加盟城市 | 一线城市 | 二线城市 | 三线城市 | |
店铺面积 | 70㎡ | 70㎡ | 70㎡ | |
食莱客休闲食品加盟基础费用 | 装修费 | 4.06万元(580元/㎡*70㎡) | 2.94万元(420元/㎡*70㎡) | 2.24万元(320元/㎡*70㎡) |
经营设备费 | 7.8万元 | 7万元 | 5.5万元 | |
首批进货费/原料费 | 7.5万元 | 5万元 | 3.5万元 | |
广告宣传及开业费 | 5000元 | 4000元 | 3000元 | |
小计 | 19.86万元 | 15.34万元 | 11.54万元 | |
食莱客休闲食品加盟成本费用 | 门店租金 | 1.89万元/月(9元/天/㎡) | 1.26万元/月(6元/天/㎡) | 8400元/月(4元/天/㎡) |
人员工资 | 1.6万元/月(4000元/月/人*4人) | 1.4万元/月(3500元/月/人*4人) | 1.2万元/月(3000元/月/人*4人) | |
水电杂费 | 3000元 | 2000元 | 1500元 | |
流动/储备资金 | 10.47万元 | 7.98万元 | 6.12万元 | |
小计 | 3.79万元 | 2.86万元 | 2.19万元 | |
食莱客休闲食品加盟总费用 | 投资合计 | 23.65万元 | 18.2万元 | 13.73万元 |
备注: 1、流动资金的算法为(人员工资/月+房租/月)*3个月,四舍五入取整数,并且不计入成本支出。 2、以上投资费用为预估,可能会与实际情况有所差别,仅供参考。 |
Snack brand culture originated in Europe, belonging to theHongkong Aji Ichiban Industrial Company Limited's core brands, since 2008 to enter the Chinese mainland, is committed to the snack imported food chain stores in China and the promotion of development.
Current, Snack has come from more than 160 countries and regions, especially Europe and the United States and regions of more than twenty thousand kinds of brand-name food and snacks, the Asia-Pacific region has become well-known imported Foodstuff Trading Co. At the same time snack brand by the European Union and the Belgian government support energetically, in western countries for leisure food cooperation and development, plays a positive role in promoting, snack is to become China's imports of snack food industry leading brands and international well-known supermarket chains: WAL-MART, Carrefour, Auchan the European music, such as forming a strategic alliance, as the snack brand occupation of the Chinese market to lay the foundation.
Snack let food culture of leisure return to nature, to meet the needs of the society, its unique taste and style, innovative marketing models, refined products and exotic shopping environment, for the pursuit of taste, the pursuit of individuality provides art and fashion shopping space! We plan in the next few years in China, expand its chain stores more than 800, to build China's first brand of food import leisure monopoly!
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