Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Single Girl, 3 complete!

I have just sewn my first 3 rings together of my Single Girl!  I know according to the quilt along, I am not staying on schedule, BUT that's nothin' new for me ;-)  I am enjoying sewing this quilt together much more than I anticipated.  All of the curves seemed intimidating, but it really hasn't been too bad.  Some un-sewing of course, but overall, not any more than usual!  LOL

It is a difficult quilt to photograph for me, though.  All of the blocks are huge, and this isn't the best picture, I'd agree.  I did use a 1/2 seam allowance to sew them together, and I pressed the seams open just when sewing the blocks together.  I'm not sure if that means I'm committing quilt blasphemy, but I guess I like to live dangerously.  HA!


  1. You did a great job! And 3 is a huge accomplishment. I like the idea of a sew along. Cheers! Evelyn

  2. So nice!! I am loving that color scheme. I opened my all my background seams too. Lets live dangerously together! ;)

  3. Single Girl is pretty no matter what she wears. I love this pattern.
