Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Single Girl, 3 complete!

I have just sewn my first 3 rings together of my Single Girl!  I know according to the quilt along, I am not staying on schedule, BUT that's nothin' new for me ;-)  I am enjoying sewing this quilt together much more than I anticipated.  All of the curves seemed intimidating, but it really hasn't been too bad.  Some un-sewing of course, but overall, not any more than usual!  LOL

It is a difficult quilt to photograph for me, though.  All of the blocks are huge, and this isn't the best picture, I'd agree.  I did use a 1/2 seam allowance to sew them together, and I pressed the seams open just when sewing the blocks together.  I'm not sure if that means I'm committing quilt blasphemy, but I guess I like to live dangerously.  HA!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Single Girl-ing

Got the last of the ring quarters complete... Next step is to get them pieced together.  I have most of the background pieces cut out, just a few more.  When I was cutting them last week, I just couldn't finish in time.  I was trying to get the big girl's quilt finished, so I have a reason for getting side tracked! LOL

I just had to post a picture of the pips!  They are adorable!  I finally unwrapped the package, and can't wait to use them...  Have to stay on track with the single girl.
Oh, and I replaced my old iron with this new beauty!  It was on sale at Target, and it is sooo great. My old one was spitting and leaking all over everything.  I'm pretty sure I bought my old Rowenta when it when I started quilting, around 7 years ago~  
This one gets super HOT, and has tons of steam.  There's nothing better than pressing with a new iron!  

Monday, March 7, 2011

A Birthday Finish

My little girl is getting BIG!   She turned 9 years old yesterday, so I made a stern effort last week to finish this quilt for her...

A few lessons learned, as with every new project.  As you can see this bright and beautiful minky dot is great for softness and warmth, it is not so great for quilting and binding!   I had a really difficult time getting the fabric to grip the feed dogs, and there is one area that puckered on the back from stretching.  Binding?  I should have attached it to the minky back, and then hand sewn it to the cotton.  Lessons learned.  Honestly though, I probably will not use it for a quilt back again any time soon.  You can see it's already well loved, so in the end, that's really all that matters!

A view of the front, it was too rainy and dark to get a good picture of the quilting, all over stipple, with a loop-de-loop in the first border.  And even the pup got a little love with it!  They always try to sneak a corner of any quilt being used, but how can you blame them when they are soooo cute?
Now to get back to my Single Girl.... and a yummy FQ stack of Sherbet Pips!  So excited to finally see it in person!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

1st Block

My first block for the Single Girl quilt is done!  There are a few "minor" areas that I'm going to try to correct, I think the curves make it tough to square each block, so when I put the 4 quarters together, they were a little bit off.

I have the the rest of arcs pieced for the first quarter ring, I've been chain piecing them and it's going quickly so far.  I still have to cut the rest of the background, not my favorite part I'd say....

Got to keep going, so I can keep up with the group!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Shoe Sugar Month: Day 13 SIZZIX BIG SHOT GIVEAWAY!!

Shoe Sugar Month: Day 13 SIZZIX BIG SHOT GIVEAWAY!!  Check out the giveaway @ Grosgrain!  Although, I really want to win...... I have to share!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Single Girl Quilt~ and so it begins!

Here is one-quarter of one circle.  Still needs pressing, and being attached to a background. Speaking of background, I've changed my mind on this too many times.  I settled on a parchment color, not too white, not too yellow.  I was really hoping for a pale grey, but my search found me empty handed....  The dream on fabrics are pretty sweet, they have all of the vintage goodness and Spring-ness that I'm longing for!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Single Girl Quilt

Even though I have too many projects to count, I'm starting another!   Why not?  Right?  There is a Single Girl Quilt Support Group over on Flickr.  I have wanted to make this quilt for a while, but there was something slightly intimidating about it.  How perfect that this is happening to motivate and support peeps like me!  I'm hoping it keeps me on track too!  It starts next Monday, so there's still time to join in on the fun!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Wonky quilt top

 I finally got a sunny day to take a picture of the wonky quilt top!  Yesterday was a nice day too, but there was some melting going on, and I didn't want it to get soaked.  LOL!   I am working on piecing a strip for the back, and maybe soon I'll have a full fledged quilt to keep me warm for the rest of winter.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

WoNkY blOcKs

Here are all of the blocks laid out.   (Still need squaring up)   I can't stop moving them around trying to spread the colors out.   Two things I've realized ~ I'd like a bigger "design wall"; it's really the front of the cabinets where I keep all of my quilt supplies, and I need more/better lighting.... Oh well, maybe some day. I must admit, it's far better than being on the floor, for sure!

I'm thinking of adding some pieced blocks and or strip of colors. I made this wonky house to see what it would look like.... pretty cute?  
 And here are the pooches.  Waiting to go outside, and trying to behave.  They try their best to sit still, it's tough to get them both looking at the same time ~ just like kids!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snow Day!


 We got snow!  Lots more still falling, I think were at 15 inches...  You can't tell since everything is covered, but there is one happy kiddo under all those clothes!

 One more block finished, I'm claiming to get geared up for snow removal.  But really, I'm just on a roll, and want to keep it going!   Can this one be my next favorite?  Well, I suppose they could all be...
 View of the back yard.  It's so pretty to look at~ but it sure looks heavy!
    The dogs don't even want to go outside in it!  LOL.