Happy SPRING to ya', darling friends of Want2Scrap®!
It may be a mild case of SPRING FEVER, or just the
EUPHORIA I'm experiencing, since I recently became
the proud owner of some of the newest products from
Want2Scrap®...! Yeah, actually - it's the later,
EUPHORIA I'm experiencing, since I recently became
the proud owner of some of the newest products from
Want2Scrap®...! Yeah, actually - it's the later,
Old AND new products - TOGETHER....? WELL,
all I can say, is that there is a reason
this company is called Want2Scrap!
And, BABY! I. WANT. TO. SCRAP!!!!!!!
So ... I did!
Don't drool on the keyboard, now... But, you're
right! That STUNNING border is ONE {!}
of the gorgeous patterns, designed by the
AMAZING, Nina Bracket!
Beautiful Bling Borders - Fancy That!
By Nina Bracket
Once I pulled myself away from the astonishing
beauty of each and every faceted gem, flawlessly
festooned across the opulent border {and TRUST
me, it took a WHILE!} I began to "see" my page!
all I can say, is that there is a reason
this company is called Want2Scrap!
And, BABY! I. WANT. TO. SCRAP!!!!!!!
So ... I did!
right! That STUNNING border is ONE {!}
of the gorgeous patterns, designed by the
AMAZING, Nina Bracket!
Beautiful Bling Borders - Fancy That!
By Nina Bracket
Once I pulled myself away from the astonishing
beauty of each and every faceted gem, flawlessly
festooned across the opulent border {and TRUST
me, it took a WHILE!} I began to "see" my page!
{SERIOUSLY! Look away. No, I'm SERIOUS!
Just try to break away! It's tough! I KNOW!}
Sooooooo B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!
Auugggh! {! I feel like I have MET the Queen!}
Splendid, I tell you!!! As you may have seen, above,
I ran some scissors right through the middle of the
design, while it was still attached to the packaging
transparency, to customize the look for my page...
Trust me - no bling was harmed... :o)
But, where there's NEW... there is CERTAINLY room
for OLD, and Want2Scrap® owns my heart for the
invention of Finesse Swirls™, Silver Rhinestone - 2 pk.
self adhesive - simply a STAPLE for any well blinged
crafter, in MY opinion... I JUST love 'em! Look HOW
wonderfully they create a butterfly trail! {Yeeeeeee!}
~I love 'em, I love 'em, I LOVE Finesse Swirls!~
And WHAT a splendid butterfly to need such a
sparkling "trail"... don't you think? Yep, we
make 'em! All kinds of COLORS + bling - CHECK
them OUT, if you have not previously done so!

Okay. Are you BACK? Good!
This is the UNDERBELLY of the beast! Ur, Butterfly...
The reason I'm showing it to you, is because I want you
to understand HOW seriously I take
embellishment placement.

VERY seriously! That's why, when I hold an exquisite
gem in my wee little hands, I DO NOT want it to get
away! No, no... A BUTTERFLY on the SCRAPBOOK
page, needs to STAY on the SCRAPBOOK page!
I sewed THAT bug RIGHT on down! Oh, sure, a dab
of Beacon Adhesive's 3 in 1 Glue is a SURE bet, and
I adore that stuff for nearly everything, glueable...
But if there is even a tiny SHRED of doubt, I'm
BUSTIN' out my mono filament thread and tying
that sucker DOWN! That's all. Don't MESS.
ONE hundred and FIFTY years from now,
folks will be OOOWING and AAAAHHING,
over this butterfly and BLINGY trial, and
sensational NINA B borders, etc. because
THAT'S what it's ALL about!

But if there's EVER a reason to get all lovey and
sentimental about the magic of Want2Scrap®,
this here, may just be the Rosetta Stone... the
missing link - the reason WE'RE on the map!
It's the dynamic pairing of Want2Scrap® bling
and the no nonsense, CLASSIC beauty of
Spellbinders™ dies... and the invention of
NESTABLING™! So exhilarating, to be able to
journal this little tag, match it to Labels Nine,
die cut it OUT, exactly where I want it, and
be-jewel it, FLAWLESSLY, with coordinating
Nestabling™, Labels Nine - Black Rhinestone!
Just try to break away! It's tough! I KNOW!}
Sooooooo B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!
Auugggh! {! I feel like I have MET the Queen!}
Splendid, I tell you!!! As you may have seen, above,
I ran some scissors right through the middle of the
design, while it was still attached to the packaging
transparency, to customize the look for my page...
Trust me - no bling was harmed... :o)
for OLD, and Want2Scrap® owns my heart for the
invention of Finesse Swirls™, Silver Rhinestone - 2 pk.
self adhesive - simply a STAPLE for any well blinged
crafter, in MY opinion... I JUST love 'em! Look HOW
wonderfully they create a butterfly trail! {Yeeeeeee!}
~I love 'em, I love 'em, I LOVE Finesse Swirls!~
sparkling "trail"... don't you think? Yep, we
make 'em! All kinds of COLORS + bling - CHECK
them OUT, if you have not previously done so!
Okay. Are you BACK? Good!
This is the UNDERBELLY of the beast! Ur, Butterfly...
The reason I'm showing it to you, is because I want you
to understand HOW seriously I take
embellishment placement.
VERY seriously! That's why, when I hold an exquisite
gem in my wee little hands, I DO NOT want it to get
away! No, no... A BUTTERFLY on the SCRAPBOOK
page, needs to STAY on the SCRAPBOOK page!
I sewed THAT bug RIGHT on down! Oh, sure, a dab
of Beacon Adhesive's 3 in 1 Glue is a SURE bet, and
I adore that stuff for nearly everything, glueable...
But if there is even a tiny SHRED of doubt, I'm
BUSTIN' out my mono filament thread and tying
that sucker DOWN! That's all. Don't MESS.
folks will be OOOWING and AAAAHHING,
over this butterfly and BLINGY trial, and
sensational NINA B borders, etc. because
THAT'S what it's ALL about!
But if there's EVER a reason to get all lovey and
sentimental about the magic of Want2Scrap®,
this here, may just be the Rosetta Stone... the
missing link - the reason WE'RE on the map!
It's the dynamic pairing of Want2Scrap® bling
and the no nonsense, CLASSIC beauty of
Spellbinders™ dies... and the invention of
NESTABLING™! So exhilarating, to be able to
journal this little tag, match it to Labels Nine,
die cut it OUT, exactly where I want it, and
be-jewel it, FLAWLESSLY, with coordinating
Nestabling™, Labels Nine - Black Rhinestone!
I know!
{I've been starring at this ALL day!}
WHO KNEW, you could do
ALL this with bling!
{I've been starring at this ALL day!}
WHO KNEW, you could do
ALL this with bling!
Okay - YOU probably did! But it's the
kind of thing that is fun to discover,
again AND again! Scrapping with
Want2Scrap® BLING -
it's the PERFECT thing!
kind of thing that is fun to discover,
again AND again! Scrapping with
Want2Scrap® BLING -
it's the PERFECT thing!
Ain't LOVE grand!
It SURE is! And I have been LOVIN' my
Want2Scrap® bling for OVER a year now,
and the honeymoon hasn't diminished,
in the LEAST! That's why
I'm SO grateful to you
for letting me share my joyful
with Want2Scrap®
products! I LOVE them ALL!
Want2Scrap® Products Used:
Beautiful Bling Borders - Fancy That!™ by Nina Brackett
Swirls - Finesse, Silver Rhinestone™
Butterfly - 1" White
Nestabling™ Labels Nine - Black Rhinestone
Cross Promotional Products Used:
Spellbinders™ Labels Nine SKU: S4-233
3 in 1 Advanced Crafter's Glue - by Beacon Adhesives
Graphic 45 - Le Romantique
Additional Products Used:
Cardstock - Stampin' Up!
Polka Dot Designer Paper - Creative Imaginations
Ephemera - MAMBI
Ribbon - Michael's
Beautiful Bling Borders - Fancy That!™ by Nina Brackett
Swirls - Finesse, Silver Rhinestone™
Butterfly - 1" White
Nestabling™ Labels Nine - Black Rhinestone
Cross Promotional Products Used:
Spellbinders™ Labels Nine SKU: S4-233
3 in 1 Advanced Crafter's Glue - by Beacon Adhesives
Graphic 45 - Le Romantique
Additional Products Used:
Cardstock - Stampin' Up!
Polka Dot Designer Paper - Creative Imaginations
Ephemera - MAMBI
Ribbon - Michael's