May 30, 2012
I walk to work every day. Rain or shine, blizzard or black flies, you will find me trekking up the lane to my studio. Every day, every season has it's own particular beauty. There is a short stretch of time, though where the walk is positively intoxicating. And that time is now. The honeysuckle and lilac trees are in full bloom, filling my nostrils with their heady scent, and my ears with the droning of bee and hummingbird wings. My eyes are overwhelmed with the multitude of colours. Drunk on the beauty of nature.
I round the corner and head up the lane to my blue studio at the top, senses reeling, uplifted, ready to create beautiful things.
Do you get drunk on your way to work?
Posted by Julie Brown. Posted In : Living by the Brook
May 25, 2012
I love the hustle and bustle of spring. It's such a busy time of year here in northern Ontario, with the plants are coming out of their winter dormancy and sprouting up as fast as they can, gardens going in as early as possible - but not too early or the frost will kill the tender plants. The birds are building nests, hoping to raise their young in time for them to be able to fly south in a few short months. It's been busy in the studio, too! So much has been happening I hardly know where t... Continue reading...
Posted by Julie Brown. Posted In : Creating by the Brook
April 12, 2012
Out of chaos, Comes beauty.
As promised in my last post, here are some of the pieces I crafted for the Art Gallery of Sudbury. I will be delivering them in person on Monday.
You can also see the effect all that rampant creativity has on my studio! It's not usually the tidiest at the best of times, but now it's completely out of control. Tidy the studio is at the top of my to-do list when I return home next week! Continue reading...
Posted by Julie Brown. Posted In : Creating by the Brook
March 27, 2012
I have been invited to be one of the artists featured at the Art Gallery of Sudbury's big Spring Event Fundraiser! My work will be on display at their dinner and concert on April 27th. I am honoured to be part of this big gala event, and have been hard at work in my studio creating new work especially for it. If you are in the Sudbury area, you might want to save the date. It sounds like it will be a fun evening filled with good food and great music by the Eagles cover band "Hotel Californ... Continue reading...
Posted by Julie Brown. Posted In : Creating by the Brook
March 11, 2012
I've been catching up on custom orders over the last couple of months. This ring was commissioned by fellow artist and Riverside Farmer's Market vendor Bonnie Tickner for her husband. She wanted a plain band ring with a tiger's eye stone, and not too bright and shiny. So I created this simple ring with a bit of texture and this beautiful stone. We decided it looked better with a darkened finish.Even though the design was simple, creating this ring presented an interesting challenge. It is ... Continue reading...
Posted by Julie Brown. Posted In : Metalsmithing
March 5, 2012
The blizzard has moved on, leaving bitter cold and lots of snow in it's wake. The view from my front porch is considerably different this morning, compared to two days ago. From inside it looks to be a beautiful and sunny winter wonderland. Step outside, however, and Jack Frost immediately nips bites freezes solid any exposed flesh. The -39 celsius temperature doesn't stop my hardy, outdoor loving dog Heart from enjoying the sun and snow. She's taking a break from digging tunnels in the ... Continue reading...
Posted by Julie Brown. Posted In : Living by the Brook
March 3, 2012
 Was planning on heading out to my studio today, but after looking out my front window, I decided to stay in and work on the website instead. These little finches just happened to fly into the shot. They are more intrepid than I! This is the worst storm we've experienced so far this winter. I have a date with my studio assistant, Miss Allie, tomorrow to do a much needed studio cleanup. I wonder if we will still be snowed in? Continue reading...
Posted by Julie Brown. Posted In : Living by the Brook
September 23, 2011
a. A
guiding spirit.
b. A
source of inspiration.
I have often
been asked from where I find the inspiration for my work. If you
have seen any of my art or jewellery, I think it is obvious that much
of my work is informed and inspired by my deep connection to the
earth. I am so blessed to live in a relatively unspoiled rural area,
so I am able to experience and be inspired by the land and all that
grows and walks on it, the rivers and everything that swims in them,
the wide-open sky a... Continue reading...
Posted by Julie Brown. Posted In : Creating by the Brook
September 18, 2011
So often I seem to run through my days, focused totally on the task on hand and what needs to be done next. I do try to take time to rest, often reading a book, or playing scrabble on my phone while sitting in my garden. But even though I take little breaks, I rarely feel rested and rejuvinated. I am exhausted by the end of the day, and often by lunch time. Then I happened upon a post by Havi Brooks of The Fluent Self which gave me a real "Aha!" moment. Over on her Facebook (aka the "Fro... Continue reading...
Posted by Julie Brown. Posted In : Living by the Brook
September 1, 2011
I don't know where the summer went! I feel like I have been hitting the ground running every day for so long, running madly off in all directions, that I hardly know if I am coming or going. So I very much enjoyed my first real holiday in a very long time. (I only had one business commitment during the week, that is a first for me!) We based ourselves in Guelph, then made day trips out and about southwestern Ontario. First up was a trip to Stratford to see Jesus Christ Superstar. After an... Continue reading...
Posted by Julie Brown.
A Bit About Julie
Julie A. Brown, Wabi Brook Studio |
A Farm Near New Liskeard, Temiskaming Shores |
I'm a full-time artist and metalsmith following my own path. I live a creative life inspired by nature, and fueled by tea and dark chocolate. When I'm not in my studio slapping paint around or pounding metal, or collaborating with my Spirit of the Arts partners, you will find me in my garden under my favourite tree, lost in a good book.
2014 Winter Workshop Schedule:
Wednesday, January 26: 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. - Ring Making
Friday, January 31: PD Day Art Adventure Camp: 9:00 a.m to noon - Exploring Texture and Colour
Tuesday, February 4: 10:00 to Noon - Earring Making Thursday, February 13: 10:00 to Noon - Chain Making Tuesday, February 18: 10:00 to Noon - Introduction to Metal Stamped Jewellery Tuesday, February 25: 10:00 to Noon - Metal Stamped Jewellery Part 2 Tuesday, March 4: 10:00 to Noon - Metal Stamped Jewellery Part 3
All workshops and classes are held in the studio at Spirit of the Arts on Lakeshore Road in New Liskeard, ON