The Watermelon Diva
just a crazy quilter, retired gardener, cpa, county commissioner .. life is busy and complicated
Monday, March 10, 2025
Daylight Savings Time
Friday, February 28, 2025
operation silence
Monday, February 24, 2025
730 days
730 days into this grief thing .. still baffles me a bit ( well, a lot ) -- the moments lately have been zapping my thoughts at the weirdest times ...
Overwhelmed at work doesn't help -- but today was an unusual day -- I found a missing file ( PTL ) and then tonight I was sorting thru a 3 ring binder file of client crap and found more missing things .. I did manage to forget the thumb drive of spreadsheets at the office so . I was sorting instead ..
we've had a deluge of clients dropping one document off at a time and well, shit can go missing -- we try hard but it just happens -- every time I think we have it under control -- I lose something.
so the only thing that is still unaccounted for is the remote for the office TV ... Going to channel my inner John and find it tomorrow ... it will happen -
Living on McD's again -- todays meal plan -- bacon, egg and cheese bagel -- 1/2 for breakfast and 1/2 for lunch with a side of yogurt --
see, I can ramble and scramble my thoughts with the best of ramblers ..
5 things that I am forever grateful:
1. warm weather (seriously 60' never felt so good)
2. the ability to have a reason to grieve -- it is a blessing
3. clients that put up with my crap
4. memories -- oh the memories
5. no snow -- and the moving snow memories/skills/lessons
tomorrow is a new day and I'll find my remote --