Monday, March 10, 2025

Daylight Savings Time

almost mid-month check in ....
snow, melting, warmth
took a walk around the farm yesterday
mud, snirt and ruby ...


Friday, February 28, 2025

operation silence

other tools of the season on my desk -- hand lotion, crack filler, lip balm, advil and eye drops .. covers all the ails in a day

sunset shot last Saturday, maybe Sunday?

and tonight -- snow is gone and the ice looks like waves -- the 50 mph wind gusts probably had something to do with it .. it was a messy day in the 'hood -- trash curbies were on the move 

March is my month of silence -- although I've been way to busy to communicate lately -- busy, stressed out and disgusted with the politics 

so a break will happen ... 


Monday, February 24, 2025

730 days

    730 days into this grief thing .. still baffles me a bit ( well, a lot )  -- the moments lately have been zapping my thoughts at the weirdest times ... 

    Overwhelmed at work doesn't help -- but today was an unusual day -- I found a missing file ( PTL ) and then tonight I was sorting thru a 3 ring binder file of client crap and found more missing things .. I did manage to forget the thumb drive of spreadsheets at the office so . I was sorting instead ..

    we've had a deluge of clients dropping one document off at a time and well, shit can go missing -- we try hard but it just happens -- every time I think we have it under control -- I lose something.   

    so the only thing that is still unaccounted for is the remote for the office TV ... Going to channel my inner John and find it tomorrow ... it will happen - 

    Living on McD's again -- todays meal plan -- bacon, egg and cheese bagel -- 1/2 for breakfast and 1/2 for lunch with a side of yogurt -- 

    see, I can ramble and scramble my thoughts with the best of ramblers .. 

5 things that I am forever grateful:

1.  warm weather (seriously 60' never felt so good)
2.  the ability to have a reason to grieve -- it is a blessing 
3.  clients that put up with my crap 
4.  memories -- oh the memories
5.  no snow -- and the moving snow memories/skills/lessons 

tomorrow is a new day and I'll find my remote -- 


Sunday, February 23, 2025


 the lights were flashing on the tree -- and triggered a motion alert on my phone .. which I didn't look at until this morning - 'cause life is doing that to me lately ...

we're ( I'm ) struggling at the office -- I have a love/hate relationship with chaos -- I'm old - I like controlled chaos and this is not controlled chaos -- not sure if I have the ability to tame it down at this point .. the current actions of the President ( I'm trying to stay polite ) are creating a frenzy of weirdness -- 

Sunday's are reserved for projects and today's project is to organize chaos and find a missing file -- I lose things within this 12/12 room -- a file and the remote for my TV --I probably don't need a large TV at the office -- but damn -- I miss it --- it's background noise -- I'm streaming it on my iPad while the remote is awol.  The file -- well --

Clients are in warp speed to get things done and regularly forget something -- this particular client kept dropping off "things" .. I plopped it all into a file and for the life of me can't find the file -- it's here -- I just don't know where.

Hoping for a sunny, warm productive day ....

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Cave shots

I'm surrounded by piles of shit.

both sides of zee desk
I have a stand up desk at home
but I don't stand

nightgown, silk long underwear, socks, sweatshirt and space heater

TV has been slim -- I don't watch, I listen

wacky Wednesday lived up to it's reputation
at one point there was a zillion people in the front room at the same time
we just can't seem to get clients to take their returns home and READ them

tomorrow will be better
it should be warmer


Friday, February 14, 2025

02/14/25 Randomness ...

red flairs, canned air, stanley power lock 
girls best friends

sun doggies at the happy place on Thursday

Amazon fingerless gloves

self portrait


Saturday, February 8, 2025

16 hours and ....

I'm still working -- 16 hours after I first started the day -- 4:30 .. me, the jammies, and the computer (and a lady bug) ... I did have a morning shower, McD's breakfast on the go and drive to the office break -- home by 4 -- supper, mini nap and then back to the cave .. 

productive day everywhere -- and it was laundry day -- sheets, rugs and towels .. 
I've been buying two McD's breakfast sandwiches when I go there -- eat one -- save one for lunch or supper later ... seriously -- I really only like their breakfast sandwiches .. those potato / hashbrown things -- it's like eating a saturated oil filter -- nope not happening

more snow at the cabin than the farm -- I was perusing the cameras and snapped this one .. 5:00 and it was still light out .. I'm loving the longer days -- the office windows are covered for warmth so I really don't see sunrise or sunset .. but tonight at home it was a treat -- sun ... no warmth 

noon shot  -- the starlink gizmo has a heating element -- I can sent more power to it if it's a really snowy day or ice is building up .. the only thing I like about Elon Musk is his internet.  enough said.