Well, I have tons of work to do in the studio today so I am sending you all elsewhere, 'k? I have come across some good sites lately and would like to share.
I like this one because I LOVE self-portraits and there are a good variety here. I keep thinking that I should be doing at least a yearly self portrait, so I can document my aging process (yay), and pretty soon I will get to that. Maybe.
There seem to be quite a few textile and fiber artists reading this blog and I "met" Prairie Fibers via facebook recently. I love Kimberly's work, especially the Prairie Potholes series, and am feeling a bit sad that I am on an art buying budget (stupid economy) because I would be totally shopping over there.
I found Mary and Sarah (through my blog friend Steven LaRose) They are both included on the Fine Art Department, and I enjoy hearing what they are up to, both in their studios and in their lives. New blog friends and again with the stupid budget/economy thing here too!
And because I could possibly be the modern, online version of Gladys Kravitz, I am loving this blog and especially the recent series which shows artist's studios. Look for Number 10, the studio of another blog friend, Mary Klein. Since I am partial to painting I especially love seeing other painter's work spaces as something about paint tubes, brushes and other supplies really gets me going. I am easy like that. heh.
So go forth and enjoy!
Way to get in the Gladys Kravitz reference. I had instant schadenfreude.
Casey, Pretty good slipping that in, eh? I AM a child of tv after all. I reference stuff like that all the time with my kids and mostly they think I am nuts. However, they are catching up to me with the Brady Bunch at least. My daughters will soon know the magic of the Davy Jones episode:)
You can spend all day doing this stuff! Many interesting blogs out there. Thank you for doing the research. Love looking at the work, the studios, but most of all, seeing the process. Like your picture in the post also. You have some really interesting photos to work from.
God, I'm just loving this figurative paintings. Thanks for posting them Tracy. Great work!
Thanks for the shout Tracy. And the support too.
Hey Tracy,
Thanks for the linkage as well as the links to others. I love the studio visit blogs and seeing work in process.
Thanks for the links, I especially loved to see other artists studios. I've lurked around your blog for some time now...Thanks for the beautiful work.
I like the picture of 2 person at the blog, really very good work.Thanks
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