Ok, the last few days have been incredibly busy. The girls had sleepovers (elsewhere, which is the only reason that I am even remotely sane today) and although it was quiet at home that evening, there was much driving around Friday, then Saturday morning. A show opening at the local art organization (more on that in another post), a Children's Book Author Festival on Saturday and the end of the season swim team party on Sunday (which I had to cook a main dish for) completed our social calendar for the weekend. Woo-hoo. And in between all of that, I am finishing up 13 pieces for Gallery 100 and despite having the most beautiful spring weather on Sunday, I had to stay inside and paint cradles. Ugh. I actually stood at the front windows for awhile yesterday afternoon, yearning for the time to go help Doug and the boys clean out the hen house. Well, not really. But I was itching to get outside and begin raking out my flower gardens. Maybe on Wednesday after delivery is complete-tomorrow I am driving to Saratoga to drop off my work.
The images that I will be putting up for the next few weeks are from the batch of paintings for Gallery 100-ones that I have been struggling with after getting back from the residency. Today's image was painted on a day last week when there was still a bit of snow on the ground and flurries in the air, so the title seemed appropriate, especially after I decided to go with a snowy looking lavender for the field.
Hello Tracy,
I check your blog daily (love it!) and I'm crushed when you actually take time out for your "life" :>) Anyway, I'm thinking about experimenting with cradled panels and I find your information very helpful. I would like to know what thickness you would recommend. I've visited some sites and I'm thinking of getting some small panels to experiment. Thank you. Almira G
Hi Tracy,
I'm definitely feeling your latest winter painting. The cool lavendar is wonderful.
Laughed when you mentioned painting cradles while watching out the window. I was doing a little varnishing and painting cradles yesterday too, while watching my husband raking up the yard and burning old branches (we can still do that burning thing).
Oh well, I see by Saturday's weather forecast, we might be in for some snow showers. Crap.
Lovely painting, Tracy. Love the color harmony.
Absolutely beautiful and you certainly have created a mood. Love it!
I was google-ing and found your blog.
I am looking to redo my porch and saw yours. I have a question, how far from the ground is your porch? I notice no rails, we like that and the color is so pretty against the white. We have that too!(Our insides are colorful and I thought we needed to cool it down a little.)Nice art work, I used to live in Hudson Valley, don't miss the gray winters at all, we have spring blooming crazy here!
Fantastic work in here. Will keep an eye on your blog!
Cheers, Arco
Hi Almira, nice to hear that you are a loyal reader, and I don't like missing a day or two of posting either! I actually feel guilty. As far as cradles go, there is much info to be had. What kind of cradled panels are you looking at? I began using the ampersand gessobords, I like the thinner ones, 3/4" I think. But when you get larger panels the cradles should be deeper to provide more support. Last year I switched to birch panels and the smaller ones are 1 inch deep while the larger ones are 1 1/2 " or 2" deep. Hope that helps. Please feel free to email me in you'd like more info.
Thanks Jayne, and yes, I think this might be a good weekend for indoor work here too. I don't mind- I will not feel so guilty about not
enjoying a beautiful day outside!
Thanks Deborah and Cindy! This piece that painted itself.
Hi Karen, thanks for visiting! Our porch is about 2' off the ground so it's ok without a railing. We are just a bit north of the Hudson Valley and it's a good thing that I like the gray winters, because that is sure what we have!
Thanks Arco, I look forward to checking out your blog!
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