I am now offering monogramming on my oilcloth items, check out these custom bags that are also insulated-
Thanks for all of the nice comments about Julia's Halloween costume! She even got a mention on Craftzine.com blog
I was home sick yesterday with a nasty stomach bug (yuck!) but I managed to finish Julia's Halloween costume. The pile of knitted pink is her trick or treat bag using giant needles as handles. I had a bunch more pink acrylic leftover so made some hair... I hope my husband doesn't look for the baseball hat that's underneath! I'm going to work today, I should be fine as long as I don't eat or drink a thing. I'm hoping to show one finished quilt by Sunday night, stay tuned.
Every month my craftster friend Pauline and I do a themed fabric swap. Both being generous sorts, it turns out to be a bit more than just a yard of fabric. This is what I sent her for October. I don't have any Halloween fabrics so I went for fall. We usually add one handmade item, I quickly sketched this acorn that I stitched onto a pretty fall colored towel.
Not too bad for a rush job!
Other crafty news includes progress being made to the mystery Halloween costume
and I have one of the horse quilts finished except for the binding while the other will be quilted starting tonight. Looks like I will make my deadlines!