It's been a good week as far as getting crafty goes, nothing too crazy but I will take any creative time I can get! So I made this cute little bunny bag, what follows isn't really a tutorial because it's a basic lined tote bag that you can find a million tutorials for out there on the web. I will offer you a tip on cutting burlap that is imperative. I am all about shortcuts and getting things done quickly but cutting burlap is where I follow the rules. After you measure where you would like to cut, find a strand that is at your cutting line
and gently ease it out of the fabric by bunching it and holding the strand while you smooth it back
If it breaks (and it probably will), just find the end and unweave it by pulling it out with a pin until you have a long enough thread to pull, bunch and smooth until it is free. Once it is out you will cut on that empty space and it will be a perfect straight cut.
I thought an aqua polka dot oilcloth bunny would be a cute idea. You can trace a shape onto the back or just wing it like I did.
I pinned this on (pins are a no-no for oilcloth but I am not about the rules today) and did a simple zigzag stitch around the edges. I love the look of shiny oilcloth against the natural burlap! I happened to have a matching twill tape that I used for the straps and a cute floursack print for the lining.
That's it! Ready to give as an Easter gift.
This week was Spirit week at my Julia's high school so we had to come up with different costumes every day, it's so much fun! Here are three:
Barnacle Boy
101 Dalmations
Tacky Florida Tourist
My creative soul is happy.