Showing posts with label knit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label knit. Show all posts

Monday, October 13, 2008

overheard conversation

15 year old daughter sitting on porch waiting for her ride, her grandmother (my mom) sitting on the porch knitting.

Grandma- "Sam, how long before your ride gets here?"
Sam-"I don't know, they are running a little late"
Grandma-"Do you want to learn to knit?"
Sam- "why????"
Grandma-"Maybe someday when you have a boyfriend you can knit him a nice sweater"
Sam- silent and texting
Grandma-"what are you doing?"
Sam- "Asking Rachael to please hurry because my grandmother is threatening to teach me to knit"

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

19 pounds of love

cutie boy Leo
Yep, he's 19 pounds now. It's hard to believe he fit in my hand when we got him. The vet didn't even say anything about it and he gained 3 lbs. since last year! Maybe he was more concerned with his infected tooth that I knew nothing about, apparently that's why he has bad breath.....I thought the bad breath was from eating cat food. *shrugs* I have to bring him to the kittly hospital in 2 weeks to have the tooth out. Poor Leo.
mom's sweater ornament
We've been keeping busy around here but managed to decorate the tree on Sunday. There's something on the calendar every night except Saturday, so hopefully we can put the rest of the decorations up then.
I'll be back with more crafty business soon, have a good week!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Friday, at last!

What a long week! It's been raining everyday since.... I can't remember when, I'm feeling the urge to gather pairs of animals and buy some lumber! We had report cards this week and I am proud to say that I have three brilliant daughters. I haven't had much crafting time and when that happens, I knit a scarf. It's portable, mindless and keeps my hands busy. Isn't this yarn pretty?


I am hoping to finish "Deere John" quilt this weekend in between 40 loads of laundry.
That's all for me, have a nice weekend!