Showing posts with label church. Show all posts
Showing posts with label church. Show all posts

Monday, June 02, 2008

you still there?

I think this time of the year is more hectic than Christmastime.
Lots of softball, lots of school activiities like today's pinning ceremony:
Gabby and her 7th grade class received their 8th grade pins today. It's such a nice thing. Each 8th grade student "pins" a 7th grade student.
the new 8th grade 0021
the new 8th grade 009

Sorry, no cool crafty pictures, I've been churning out oilcloth bags per usual.
I'll be back soon, I promise!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

mother's day

Happy Mother's day to all you moms!

mother's day

To those of you that aren't moms...go find a mom and give her a hug.
for my mom, Rosemary
I am off to church where we will have the May Crowning, celebrating the Mother of all Mothers.

Julia and the other communicants get to wear their dresses again and crown The Blessed Mother while singing my favorite church song, "Ave Maria".
Have a great day ladies!

Saturday, May 03, 2008

The last of our 1st communions

Not sure if that's a happy thing or a sad thing.
I do know that we were very proud of Julia today.
communion 003
She did a very long reading at the mass today and was a total rock star. She stood on the step stool at the pulpit and read loudly and perfectly to hundreds of people without the slightest bit of anxiety.
communion 012
goofy kids
Julia is a seriously picky eater, honestly, she has major food/taste/texture issues. It's really bad. Anyway, we were so afraid that she would gag on the host and spit it into her hands and we would have to change churches at the very least, possibly change religion but she did it!
communion 026
best friends
We came home and had a lovely little brunch with immediate family and a few friends and in a little while we're going out for dinner. The 1st Communion girl picks Outback Steakhouse...yum!