First, I must admit I’ve always been a bit “different”. When all my girl friends were reading the fashion mags and those with the news of the latest teen idol...(see I don’t even remember the titles)...I was reading Early American Life. When everyone in the neighborhood was out playing softball or kickball...(does anyone play that anymore?)...I preferred to be stitching or hooking!
For many years I’ve wanted to enter my work into EAL's Directory of Traditional Crafts competition. But, between running the business and keeping the home fires burning, well, I’ve just never had what I thought were appropriate pieces at the time of the deadlines.
In May a customer came in to the studio and wanted a kit for my Twinkle Tree pattern. We chose a color plan a bit more primitive than the original I had hooked in 2001. While I was cutting the wool for her kit...I decided to hook this design again, with a scrappy background and bits of vintage paisley. This was one of those projects that was meant to be...you know the kind that just seem to come together effortlessly...and quickly!
Early in June I was poking around on the net...browsing on EAL’s website I saw the “call for entry” for the Holiday Directory was still open...the deadline was June 15th. I could DO this! I needed another mat...holiday theme....hmmm. I called my friend Bernadette. She’s an amazing photographer, and just happened to owe me for mending a beautiful kimono years ago when our kids were in grade school. If I got the rugs hooked...would she do her magic with the photos???

Well...today the call came...
”Your work was selected as being of the highest quality. We would be pleased to feature a photo of your work, Christmas Goose Rug, in the Christmas 2009 issue of the magazine.”So off to the PO I ran! I still don’t have all the info...and I’m floating with excitement...but I’m sure to have updates on this...

For now I’m not going to post a full pic of Goosey...this was an in progress pic I posted early in June.
Thanks for letting me toot! ~L