Last Sunday, Andy's family (including Charger, their almost 2 year old golden), Nick and Megan (Sophie was sick so John and she stayed home) and I all hopped into cars and headed east on the freeway and then over the bridge from Hood River into Washington. My sister Marlene and her husband Thomas own a vineyard up in the hills outside of the small town of Husum, Washington. Here is a view of part of the vineyard from the house....It is a beautiful setting. I almost always feel like I am Heidi looking over the hills....:)
The minute the car doors opened the kids and Charger took off running....It is the perfect place for that and it was a beautiful day. Below are Glenda and Alana walking through the vines...

......and with such a great hill who could resist rolling down it.....All of Andy's kids joined in....

.......as did Nick. He was in heaven following Pierce and Collin around....there is nothing like older cousins to take you under their wings....

.......and of course there had to be a battle! Charger was right in the middle of it........

......It was one of those perfect days. Thomas took all the kids into his workshop before we left and let them build with his scrap lumber...great reminders of a day in the country.
Andy, Glenda, Pierce, Collin, Alana and Charger left on Tuesday....they were headed for a few nights camping in the Redwoods and then on home. Their visit was wonderful....but way too short.
Megan had a pet scan yesterday and meets with her doctor tomorrow....For the last 6 weeks she has felt good and looks great. Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers....Let's hope that "Ippy" is still doing it's job!!!!!!!
I wish you all a Happy Easter with family and friends.....Jo Ann