Showing posts with label review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label review. Show all posts

Saturday, December 31, 2022

in the year 2022

last day of 2022 last day of 2022 last day of 2022

Saturday 31st of December

On the last day of the year we're browsing through the precious memories we made together in 2022. Captured forever in 178 pages.

An annual photo book tradition since 2007.

Wishing you all an exciting 2023 and challenging new beginnings!

2022 in a nutshell on instagram

Saturday, January 1, 2022

playback 2021 & press play 2022

playback 2021 playback 2021 playback 2021

Annual photo book tradition since 2007.

After 72 analogue photo albums from 1986, digital photography took over.

We missed browsing through our photo albums and started to make one printed photo book every year. Thousands of photos to choose from and we reduced it to 170 full-page photos of 2021! You can 'browse' the book on my Instagram account.

What a year. It won't get any crazier. It started in january with Henks heart attack and 65 seconds without a heartbeat. Thereafter sometimes pulse 180 because of the excitement and beautiful and emotional moments.

We went to Amsterdam, Antwerp, Olhao, Aljezur, Vila do Bispo, Paris, Bari, Ostuni, Puglia, Marrakech and Barcelona. We enjoyed the days with our family, friends, new friendships and of course there was the birth of our grandson Liam-Novi in November.

Let's forget the 'shit' and only remember the good things of last year and face 2022 with hope, joy and new plans. Very much looking forward to 'normal life', freedom, family time, travel and love.

Now it's time to hit the play button for 2022!

Best wishes to you all have a great year!

Friday, December 31, 2021

review twenty twenty one

amsterdam winter orange mini cooper pittura di percolatore blue sky day summer in olhão antwerp - july 2021 paris in august puglia september 2021 marvelous marrakech 2021 liam-novi barcelona december 2021

Review 2021 in a nutshell.

January - Start of the year in Amsterdam. We stayed at my friend Ank's house for a few days.
February - Month of the winter walks - 10000 steps almost every day and lots in the snow.
March - The first rides in our orange Mini Cooper.
April - Slow life painting days in my studio.
May - Only a few rare beach days this spring.
June - Two weeks in southern Portugal.
July - Daytrip to Antwerp, since a long time.
August - Four days in Paris.
September - La dolce vita in Puglia
October - Marvelous Marrakech
November - Our grandson Liam-Novi is here!
December - City break in Barcelona.

2021 all in all, an emotional, eventful and memorable year with many highlights!

Happy New Years Eve to all of you!

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

review twenty twenty

antwerp - january 2020 paris february 2020 moroccan pink is making a comeback - stayhome challenge good friday hamburg may 2020 backyard lunch ericeira the beach to ourselves ria formosa 2020 maastricht october 2020 b l o e m pantone 2021 fingerless mittens

Review 2020

January - overnight stay in Antwerp to celebrate our 28th wedding anniversary

February - two days in Paris to celebrate our 'romance' since the 15th of February 1986

March - while we’re quarantined, we started a creative #stayhome challenge and moved from our cozy attic bedroom to Minne's old bedroom

April - blessed with a garden and being able to go outside for the weather has been amazing for weeks. Nature helps us through this uncertain time

May - midweek city break in Hamburg to celebrate Henk's anniversary

June - daily breakfasts, lunches and dinners in the backyard, we cooked a lot and tried to make a festivity of every meal

July - roadtrip Portugal - when we booked our summer holiday in 2019, we didn't have a clue, Portugal would be the only safe destination in Europe by then

August - one of the longest heatwaves ever, we often went to the beach very early, to avoid the crowds

September - we rebooked our flight tickets to New York and enjoyed a quiet week in Faro to the fullest. We took a boat to another deserted beach in Ria Formosa every day

October - two days in Maastricht, Paris of The Netherlands

November - dinners with friends and family at our kitchen table

December - lots of cocooning, crocheting, creativity and christmas with the family

2020 was the most bizarre year we've ever had, without a doubt!
Even though it was a year with the handbrake on, we tried to get the best out of it in a safe way.
Both our children got the keys to their first homes in March. We are happy they are living in Dordrecht and we can visit eachother easily.
I eagerly look forward to a new year, with good hope for better times. A 'happy new year' is not even necessary, a normal new year would be fine!

Thank you dear followers, lots of love and just hold on, everything will be okay one day...

The € 7.40 cappuccino, served at très chic Café de Flore, is 2020 in a nutshell...

Friday, June 12, 2020


outfit outfit outfit lilac outfit

This week I photographed the favorite pieces from my summer wardrobe.

I made an overview of images per item (tops, bottoms, dresses and jumpsuits) and printed the sheets.

Obviously unnecessary but fun to do... and it reminded me of the dress up paper dolls, which I loved to play with in my childhood.

This flashback gave me the idea to cut out the photos so that I could make all kinds of combinations, without changing clothes.

A handy overview of my summer wardrobe. Practical because I love to travel light.

It makes packing your suitcase a lot easier if you bring as few pieces as possible. You can get the most out of your favorite apparel and change your outfit continuously.

Saturday, December 30, 2017


two days in paris 2017
January - two days in Paris with my love, in honor of our 25th wedding aniversary.

vitrin - antwerpen
February - having a drink at Vitrin in Antwerp, it's our tradition to celebrate the day we first met, on February 15th.

green kitchen
March - mid-month, preparing our party and workshops in spring and in the meantime inside it's getting greener by the day.

marrakech april 2017 April - an unforgettable week in Marrakech with my loved ones and some friends. Instead of a grand wedding party, we chose something that is closer to us...

marrakech may 2017 cool crochet workshop
May - 18 days in Morocco, to host the 7th Cool Crochet workshop and the 1st Green Gardens workshop in and around Marrakech.

domburg june 2017
June - weekend in Domburg, our favorite beach with long rows of pastel colored beach huts along the coast.

chambres d'amis
July - for the third time to Marrakech, this time for an interior shoot at Chambres d'Amis, the riad of my friend Ank and green oasis basecamp during the travel workshops.

3 days amsterdam
August - mini city break at the Lloyd Hotel in Amsterdam to celebrate my birthday.

portugal 2017 - olhao
September - roadtrip holiday in Portugal, en route from Olhao to Lagos to Southwest Alentejo to Lisbon.

marrakech october 2017
October - back to Morocco for new adventures, whilst traveling with two great groups of the 8th Cool Crochet workshop and 2nd Green Gardens workshop

into the woods
November - autumn walks in the woods

December - this year has flown by!

2017 was a very special year in many ways. Beautiful memories! I have a lot to be grateful for.

I wish you all the very best for 2018 and focus on the positives!

Saturday, December 31, 2016

unforgettable moments of 2016

golden shoes london february 2016 among the banana tree marrakech april 2016 rural ride paris june 2016 july 2016 domburg berlin july august 2016 costa nova marrakech october 2016 oficina de mi casa merry christmas

2016 has been a great year.

12 photos, 1 for each month. Randomly chosen.

Those golden sneakers travelled a lot this year.
Londen in February, with my son Minne.
Marrakech in April, for another Cool Crochet workshop.
Paris in June, with my love Henk, son Minne and my friend Rosa.
In July we often went for a day to our favorite beach in Zeeland.
Berlin in August, just the two of us, to celebrate my birthday.
Portugal in September for an amazing roadtrip from Porto to Lisbon.
Marrakech once more, for the 6th Cool Crochet workshop.
The last months of 2016 I've been at home a lot, to work on new projects and enjoy my family and just being at home together.

Two thousand and sixteen was a wonderful year with many happy memories!
I am grateful for that and I'm looking forward to the new adventures in 2017!

Thanks for following my blog and Happy New Year to you all! Xx