Showing posts with label harlequin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label harlequin. Show all posts

Thursday, May 19, 2022

handpainted harlequin stool

handpainted harlequin stool handpainted harlequin stool handpainted harlequin stool woodwoolstool harlequin herringbone pattern

I painted a vintage wooden stool (see bottom photo) with harlequin pattern in Moroccan colors.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

new harlequin pillow & pattern

woodwoolstool harlequin pillow & pattern woodwoolstool harlequin pillow pattern woodwoolstool harlequin pillow pattern woodwoolstool harlequin pillow & pattern

One pillow, two sides.

New in my Etsy shop; a handmade h a r l e q u i n pillow.

This harlequin pillow has two different sides.

You can also make a the harlequin pillow yourself and download the crochet pattern.

My newest crochet pattern is available in both an English and a Dutch version.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

attic bedroom

attic bedroom attic bedroom attic bedroom

Wednesday morning, 10:30 AM

Curtains blowing in the breeze...

I just L O V E the look of the waving curtains and shadow play.

To capture the atmosphere, I made a video and posted it on Instagram this morning. P L A Y video

(and watch how the left white curtain closes itself in the wind)

Monday, April 8, 2019

striped curtain

striped curtains striped curtains striped curtains striped curtains moroccan wool striped curtains striped curtains striped curtains

Spicy stripes for the curtain in the dormer window on our sloping attic room.

A good crochet project to use the colored wool from marrakech, in very easy filet-crochet harlequin pattern. I started it some weeks ago, not knowing what it would be.

Well, in the end it's a 'crocheted curtain anno 2019' and obviously it was not exactly fitting the window size. Do you see the subtle line? I subsequently made it a little bit longer. That's what I like about handmade; never perfect...

The colorful crochet fabric is made horizontal, but I preferred to hang it vertically.

In our (almost) all-white attic bedroom it's okay to use some colour.
I am thrilled with how serene this space turned out with the filtered light. Great atmosphere!

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

instagram workshop marrakech - scenic street photography

marrakech april 2014 marrakech april 2014 marrakech october 2014 marrakech october 2014 marrakech april 2015 marrakech october 2015 marrakech april 2016 marrakech may 2017 cool crochet workshop marrakech may 2017 green gardens workshop marrakech october 2017 marrakech october 2017 marrakech october 2017 marrakech october 2017 marrakech april 2018 marrakech april 2018 essaouira april 2018

One of the workshops on the program is the INSTAGRAM-PHOTO WORKSHOP.
It's surprising to discover, observe and capture everyday life in the medina in different ways by taking 'unusual' photos. In this post a collection of moroccan doors, I've photographed over the years. Obviously it's just one example to show you, how to discover the authentic Marrakech in our scenic street photography tour.
(gosh, where does the harlequin inspiration come from?)

Would you like to join the ultimate Marrakech trip in October?

Perfect when you want to travel alone, but also a great trip to make with your friend, mother or sister.

Marvelous Marrakech! Seven days in Marrakech with a distinctive workshop program.

Explore Marrakech every day in a different way. We have combined new places and topics with the best from our programs from previous years.

What's new about the Marrakech travel workshops program? We have a different theme every day, to explore the authentic Marrakech in a special and unique way.

Off the beaten tracks with workshops and exciting adventures while discovering Marrakech and surroundings. Where everyone else goes to the right we go to the left. By showing you the real beauty of Marrakech, your visit to the Red City will be a much more precious experience!

Price € 777,00 per person (excl. tourist tax € 2,50 pppn)

The price is based on a shared twin bedroom and excluding flight tickets.

- transfer from airport Marrakech to Riad Chambres d'Amis (v.v.)
- shared twin bedroom (6 nights) including breakfast in Chambres d'amis.
- 2 dinners & 5 lunches (drinks are not included)
- 5 workshops

Buying wool, cotton and yarns in the souk. Moroccan craft class in the open on the colourful Place des Epices, where Aisha will teach you different characteristic Moroccan craft techniques (materials are included). After lunch we will continue the Moroccan craft class with Aisha and practice different crochet and embroidery techniques in The Secret Garden. (Needless to say, I will give a crochet class aswell.) At the end of the afternoon we will visit the Carpet auction in the souk, an unforgettable and colorful experience.

During the workshop we will visit and explore all kinds of gardens in and around Marrakech; an Arabic garden, a botanical garden, secret city gardens, hidden courtyards, an art garden, museum gardens and vegetable- and herb gardens.

Street photography in the medina. Learn how to anticipate the moment, to identify locations with suitable subjects and develop confidence in photographing on the street. Learn to select and frame a moving subject and explore colour to create impact. A visit and lunch at Maison de la Photographie.

Vegetable shopping in the Medina and souk. Cooking class by Moroccan women under the banana trees at Chambres d'Amis. Early home cooked lunch on the rooftop terrace. In the afternoon a bicycle tour to discover the beauty of Marrakech in the most fun way. Together with a young, native tour guide, you will discover the mysteries of Marrakech. On the bicycle we bring you beyond the tourist districts to show you the hidden jewels of Marrakech that usually remain secret to visitors!

A trip to a Berber village in the country side with a lunch at Berberlodge. We will visit an atelier where you can buy carpets directly from the Berber women, who make the carpets, so they will earn more money with their crafts, instead of the carpet dealers.

Halfway the week we have planned a day off! We can suggest a visit to the luxurious Beldi Club, a visit to Jardin Majorelle or you can use the day for shopping in the souk (optionally with personal shopper).

This week is a real treat for travellers, who would like to discover the real and authentic Marrakech. An adventurous journey, you can make on your own, while you will be 'pampered' and only have to enjoy and relax.

Arrival : Wednesday 2nd of October 2019 leaving : Tuesday 8th of October 2019

The workshop will start with a welcome dinner on the rooftop of Chambres d'Amis at 7PM on Wednesday. For early arrivals Chambres d'Amis can offer you a small program on the first day.

If you would like to join the workshop in October, please send an e-mail
I will send you an application form and more information about the travel workshop.

The Marrakech travel workshops 2019 are a collaboration with Ank van der Pluijm, my friend and owner of hotel CHAMBRES D'AMIS, oasis in the Medina of Marrakech and our wonderful green 'basecamp' during the workshops week. You will, of course, be overloaded with impressions in Marrakesh, and Hotel Chambres d’Amis will be your quiet home to return to. Our street Derb Moulay Abdelkader is located in a very quiet and safe residential area, and very easy to find.

(it's always possible to book extra nights, before or after the workshop)