"As a young teen, I remember visiting my friend and finding her sitting on the floor of her bedroom. The closet was empty. Tracy’s bedroom had the look of a war zone. Boxes, papers, photographs, old CD’s were strewn all over the floor. The shrapnel of her memory was almost overwhelming to her. As she reached across the mess, she came upon a photograph of her..."
Friday, July 31, 2009
LACED WITH GRACE...special blue box
"As a young teen, I remember visiting my friend and finding her sitting on the floor of her bedroom. The closet was empty. Tracy’s bedroom had the look of a war zone. Boxes, papers, photographs, old CD’s were strewn all over the floor. The shrapnel of her memory was almost overwhelming to her. As she reached across the mess, she came upon a photograph of her..."
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
WEDNESDAY WEEKLY WORD ...what enslaves you today?
"I could not believe it. Perhaps we were only going to the Siemans factory; tonight we would march back to camp. But at the top of the hill we turned left, toward the center of the small town. I could feel my feet swelling in the tight new shoes, but I bit my lip and made myself stride along. I imagined the guard turning around, pointing a scornful finger: 'Edema! Send her back to camp."-CORRIE TEN BOOM
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
A PIECE OF MY HEART ... everything is ruined
Monday, July 27, 2009
TRUTH...or dare
Have you opened up the book of Truth today? .... go ahead, I dare you!
Friday, July 24, 2009
CIRCLE OF LOVE... meet Lauren
The beach! I love soaking up the sun, salt water, and sand!Unpacking! We loaded up the moving van last weekend and put
all of our things in storage. We move into our new home in mid August… I can’t
wait! I love unpacking and setting up our home – it’s like Christmas for
me!A really awesome sermon… like the one I heard Sunday night. WOW – it was about being filled with the Holy Spirit. How there is no such thing as being 95% full of the Spirit … it’s ALL or NOTHING! If there is 5% of your life that you just can’t surrender to God, then you are living in 100% rebellion. He doesn’t ask for a piece of us – He commands our WHOLE hearts! The word picture that came to my mind is this:You have a cup of water and a vial of red food coloring. The water is the Spirit … the coloring is that thing in your life you can’t let go and give to God; Sin, idolatry, ANYTHING that is not bowed to Him. If your cup is nearly full of pure water, but you put even one drop of coloring in it – the whole cup is tainted. The whole cup turns pink. There is no pure water left. The same is true for our souls. If we have even one thing that we refuse to surrender to the will of God, then our whole heart is
tainted.“Throw away the foreign gods that are among you and yield your hearts to the Lord, the God of Israel.” Joshua 24: 23 Praise God for His mercy and grace … for without it we would all perish.Let our hearts be like those who said, “We will serve the Lord our God and obey him.” Joshua 24:24
And these verses: “Speak to one another with psalms hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Christ Jesus.” Ephesians 5:19-20
WOW. What a great list of favorites! RELAXING (at the beach), MAKING HER HOUSE A HAVEN (preparing a home for her family) and THE WORD! Sounds to me like Lauren is making strides towards that goal of striving to be a Proverbs 31 woman!
Lauren Casper ~You can find me at my blog "Walking by Faith" --- laurenalexis1.blogspot.com
I have been blogging since January 2009. My favorite thing about blogging is that it allows me to be creative. I can get my thoughts and feelings out where I can see them. I also love that it opens up the door to a whole group of people I wouldn't otherwise know. It's a wonderful tool for spreading the gospel and encouraging sisters in faith.
I mainly blog about Jesus - what He's doing in my life, what He's been teaching me, what I've seen Him do in others lives. I also occasionally give little updates on what's going on in my world.
As of right now, I am a stay at home wife. I'm 25 and have been married for 4 years. We live in the mountains, but all of that is about to change! We're moving to the beach sometime this summer for my husband to attend seminary. At this time I will **hopefully** be working full time to help support hubby in his time at school. I am the mother of 4 precious boys. I have 2 sons (Asher and Cyrus) living in heaven. Alex and Avery are our twin foster boys who we love with all our hearts. They were returned to their "real parents" last year... but they'll always be my boys. Other than that, I love: music, quilting, painting, scrap-booking, violin, guitar, reading, and old musicals!
I've been serving God for 5 years. I came to Christ when I was 20 years old and have been running after him with all my heart ever since!
Just one?? haha Well, foster parenting is a great example of God's faithfulness. He was definitely calling us to do foster care, so we started the paper work. Social services said we probably wouldn't get a child for 6 months to a year after everything was complete. We signed up to start out with just 1 child, in the age range of infant - 2yrs. We were advised not to go out and buy anything until all the paper work was complete. Well, the day our social worker called to tell us it was complete she also said "can you take a set of twins in 2 hours?" !!!!! So, we prayed (already knowing the answer) then asked for an extra hour to run to walmart, and said yes. Alex and Avery came to us with nothing but the filthy clothes on their back. They were just dropped off in our foyer and then we were left to figure it all out from there! We were at a loss. We hadn't ever been parents before. So we begged God to help us ... and He did. We took it one day at a time, and sometimes one hour at a time! I have never been so tired in my life!! But, while I was completely empty, I watched God come in and provide time after time. He was totally faithful to us for the months we cared for the twins. Then, when it was time for them to go, God was faithful once again to pour out His grace and let us say goodbye. It still hurts, but God is always there with me every step I take.
"Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33
As we move forward with our plans for seminary we're experiencing a lot of struggles. Our house isn't selling, we're having trouble finding new jobs, and time is running out as August quickly approaches! But, God has promised that if we seek Him first, above all, He will provide. It may not look like what we desired ... but He will always provide "all these things..."
oh wow - I don't know, seeing as I am fairly new to the blogging world. I guess... pray and read scripture before you blog. Let your heart and mind be totally saturated with Jesus before you let your fingers hit the keys.
WOW! What wonderful advice Lauren! I love the thought of being saturated
TOTALLY with Jesus before even sitting down to the computer. I believe that we
would never have writers block if we adhered to that advice. Thank you so much
for sharing your heart and sharing the love of Christ with your readers. You are
a great encouragement to me and to all of those TAKING A STAND! -blessings,
Please visit Lauren today over at WALKING BY FAITH! (click here)
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
WEDNESDAY WEEKLY WORD... singing the blues
Have you ever just felt like singing the blues? You know when you have a flat tire, the cat throws up on your new carpet and the baby has the flu. Sometimes we have a bad day and just feel like singing the blues.
So what do we do when that bad day turns into a bad week or worse yet, a bad year?
In last week's YOUR OPINION MATTERS POLL, I polled the readers the following question: "What is most likely to cause you to "sing the blues"? The top 3 answers this week were...
1. 60% of those voting said that financial stresses would cause them to sing the blues.
2. 40% of those polled said that they would sing the blues over family issues.
3. 20% of the readers voted and said that frustrations at work have them singing the blues.
Wow. What an incredible result from this weeks poll. Sounds to me like some of us are having not only bad days, but simply bad situations in our life that got us down.
Have you ever had someone say to you, "I know what you are going thru!" Maybe someone has gone thru the same illness that you are struggling with right now. Possibly you have just lost your job and someone comes along that had been laid off and can relate to the stresses you are experiencing. Whatever your situation, when we hear the phrase "I know what you are going thru", probably mixed feelings run thru our mind.
On one hand, it is great to know others have also experienced what you are going thru but sometimes when people say they know what we are going thru ... we wonder "do they, do they really?" Even though no two people can experience the same exact thing, we often place ourselves in a pity party and feel like our pain is isolated and NO-ONE can know how we feel.
PSALM 22:1 "My God, my God, why have You forsaken me? Why are You so far from My deliverance and from My words of groaning?"
FORSAKEN. Sometimes in our moment of singing the blues ~ we feel forsaken. We feel like nobody cares. Nobody understands. But Jesus knew exactly what the feeling of abandonment felt like, He can empathize with us when we have these similar feelings.
I once heard a story of a tightrope artist who had strung a rope across Niagara Falls and he then took a wheelbarrow back and forth over the falls on the rope. Those watching cheered and cheered. Then the tightrope artist asked a bystander if he thought he could do it again. The bystander said, "Of course I believe that you can! I have seen you do it many times!" Then the tightrope artist told the bystander.."Then get in the wheelbarrow!" The man quickly changed his mind about what he believed.
The question today is not "When you cry out singing the blues ... do you wonder if God is there", instead I ask you "When the times comes, do you have enough trust to put yourself in the wheelbarrow?"
LACED WITH GRACE ... diamonds are forever?
It was a little hard for me to believe that under all of that dirt, mud and grime laid something as precious and beautiful as diamonds.
It felt to me like we were sitting out in our backyard and digging around in our sandbox. To our disappointment, our adventure at the diamond mine gave the same result as..."
CHECK BACK LATER for WEDNESDAY WEEKLY WORD, my weekly post on a personal study that I am doing. God's Word will always inspire us! :)
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
A PIECE OF MY HEART...traveling without a map
Monday, July 20, 2009
AT THE WELL... enough is enough
There, now I have said it. The "L" word and the "S" word. Now that I have said it, why not talk about it....
To see how our society is programmed by the "L" word and the "S" word, all you have to do is visit your local supermarket or go to a nearby movie theatre. Even the sitcoms on television have resorted to slapping all of this lust and sexual innuendo's in our face.
Can you remember back when a couple kissing was risky business? Boy wouldn't we love to have those days back again.
One of the greatest things missing in our society today is having BOUNDARIES! We get on to the teens of America today because they don't seem to have any boundaries. Look at the way they dress. The way they talk. They way they disrespect authority. But really whose fault is it that our teens are this way, whose fault is it that our teens have no boundaries?
The answer will be found as you look around at the adult figures in society. The movie producers. The magazine editors. The pop singers on the radio. The divorced parents that have moved onto spouse # 4 or 5.
That is the answer to the question put before us today.
Let me ask you, as a Christian woman, what boundaries do you have in place?
- do you watch TV shows (soap opera's) that are filled with lust, sex and infidelity?
- do you watch TV talk shows that rip apart families, and promote adulterous affairs.
- do you dress inappropriately to lure the eye of another woman's man?
- do you have lunch or coffee with a co-worker that is the opposite sex and is not your husband?
- do you secretly go to websites that you shouldn't?
- do you have private conversations with other men on facebook, myspace, texting or email?
In order to overcome the temptation of lust, we must all have boundaries put in place. I have raised 3 sons and a very long time ago I said "enough is enough" and we, as parents set boundaries in our home.
One boundary that we had was NO R RATED MOVIES. Not just for our sons ... but we applied this boundary to our own lives.
Boundaries are for everyone, you want kids to have boundaries? Then it has to start with us ... the adults.
Please join AMY and other friends over AT THE WELL today to hear more on this topic of "Lust and Sex in today's culture". CLICK HERE
Friday, July 17, 2009
CIRCLE OF LOVE...may the circle never be broken
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
A PIECE OF MY HEART...leave the light on for me
Monday, July 13, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
CIRCLE OF LOVE ...meet Shirley
I am honored that you stopped by! I pray you will be encouraged and
blessed. I believe when we share our heartaches and victories, it helps others to know they are not alone. Knowing God is with us, and our steps are ordered by Him, gives us hope for the future!
Psalm 50:10 (New International Version)10 for every animal of the forest is mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills.
God owns everything, even the cattle on a thousand hills, He created everything on this earth with His words. "And God Said".Over and over again we are told how He made everything including us, in His image, He created us. He is our Father and we are His children. He loves us and has a plan for our lives. It is mind boggling to think about all that He did, and the reason why. All He ever wanted was a relationship with us, because He loves us so much. How do you have a relationship with someone? By spending time with them of course! God is pleased when we come to Him; whether it is praising, praying for a need we have, or just to sit in His presence. Now if He owns everything, and we are His children, and He tells us we can ask whatever we will in His name, He would give it to us; what is the problem? We need to get this in our spirit that He will make provisions for us to do what He has assigned to us. We have to step out in faith, believing what He said will surely come to pass. We all have a job to do, a plan has been laid out for us, today will you just ask Jesus what is His will for your life, what do you need to be doing; ask for direction, then you will experience that peace that passes all understanding. Reach out and touch Him, I promise you, He is waiting! ~Posted by Shirley
4. TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF...if you work ~where? ...have a family ~ tell us about them?
6. CAN YOU GIVE US A TESTIMONY OF HOW GOD HAS PROVEN HIMSELF FAITHFUL TO YOU? In sickness, through a divorce, raising children and stepchildren, and each day of my life. God is and always been faithful to me.
Jeremiah 29: 11 For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope .
8. HOW HAS THAT SCRIPTURE MINISTERED TO YOU RECENTLY?By reassuring me He is in control of my life, and he does have a master plan for me
9. WHAT ADVICE ABOUT BLOGGING WOULD YOU OFFER TO YOUR CIRCLE OF BLOGGING FRIENDS? I believe to be effective for the Kingdom, we must write with our heart. We must be able to portray the love of God to everyone that reads our blog.
Thank you Shirley for that great advice. Certainly, you are being the example of exactly what you said ... portraying the love of God thru your writings. Certainly anybody who visits you can see your heart and your passion. Thank you for sharing with us and for being an encouragement to me and to all who are TAKING A STAND! -blessings, Laurie
Thursday, July 9, 2009
THANKFUL THURSDAY...sweet memories
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
While putting up wallpaper or laying tile, no matter what you do, things just don't seem to line up correctly. Little fixes and mends don't help. The only thing to do is start over.
While playing a difficult piece on the piano and you start to stumble, sometimes the best thing to do is just start the whole piece over.
In last weeks YOUR OPINION MATTERS POLL, I polled the readers the following question, "Which contract would you like to re-negotiate?" The top 3 answers were...
1. 60% of those voting said that they wish that they could re-negotiate some kind of contract.
2. 20% of the readers said they wish they could re-negotiate the interest rate on their credit card.
3. Another 20% voted and said re-negotiating their job description would be nice.
At some point, we all wish we could re-negotiate something. Sometimes we just need a fresh start or we need to start over.
At some point in time, God decided that things weren't going well under the Old Covenant. People, powerless to fight their own tendency to sin, repeatedly broke the laws He had carefully laid down. God decided that what people really needed was a new start ... a new agreement by which reconcilation could be found.
Through Jeremiah, God specifically tells us how this covenant will be new:
*The new covenant will be a covenant of the heart (Jeremiah 31:33b)
"I will put My law in their minds, and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God"
*The new covenant will be one that we can all understand and abide by (Jeremiah 31:34)
"No more shall every man teach his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, 'Know the Lord,' for they shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, says the Lord."
*The new covenant will have built-in forgiveness (Jeremiah 31:34b)
"For I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more."
God has given each of us an opportunity to start over. Writing God's law on our hearts is a matter of openness to the Holy Spirit, who teaches us all things. The Holy Spirit helps us to take what we know in our minds and let it truly touch our hearts.
Make sure you follow the right "King"!
I have always been interested in why people, not one or two, but thousands and thousands of people, will come out and mourn somebody that they did not even know?
We see it all of the time, when a celebrity dies, fans will weep, cry and lay flowers upon flowers on their lawn as if they were the closest of friends. But yet they had never met.
Am I the only person who thinks this is "out of the ordinary" behaviour?
It is said that 8,750 people today obtained tickets to go to the Staples Center in LA for Michael Jackson's final performance. Over 1.5 million people registered to try to obtain one of those admission tickets, in addition to the 8,750 people inside Staples Center, it is estimated that 250,000 people will be mourning and paying their last respects on the streets.
What makes so many people wail and mourn for someone they did not even know but yet denounce a King that shed blood for them?
Why do we hail a "king" that sang a song, but reject the King who gave His all for mankind?
No matter what you may think of Michael Jackson, the "king of pop" ~ whether you listened to his music or not, or watched his videos. It really doesn't matter if you thought he was a loony or if you thought he was the greatest. The most important thing to remember is what God thought of Michael Jackson and what does God think about you and me!
We will all have to face God one day just as Michael has had to do. "Well done My good and faithful servant" - that is what I want to hear. God help us if the sound we hear is "beat it".