If you have traveled recently, you know that the rules and regulations for traveling with baggage has changed drastically. How many bags allowed per traveler and the weights of the bags are much less now than ever. If you are traveling for any length of time, this could pose problems.
But having baggage problems is surely not a new problem to most of us, we have been dealing with baggage issues for years!
Imagine going to the airport to check your luggage, but your bag is just too heavy, so someone comes along and picks up your bag and handles it for you. Now, you and I both know that this is against the rules. To have someone else handle your baggage is a definite no-no.
I do not know why we do not heed to the same rules and regulations with the personal baggage that we carry. I am not talking about your Samsonite bag, I am talking about all of the stuff from our past that we cannot let go of.
Imagine what it would be like if the same penalties were applied to us for having overweight baggage or if the same punishment was implemented if we passed our baggage off to someone else. I would imagine that if this happened, we would be quicker to relinquish those things that we hang onto.
This is perhaps what Paul is referring to in his letter to the church at Corinth:
"Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold , all things become new." 2 Corinthians 5:17
Old things are forgiven, cleansed and forgotten. This is what God does. But unfortunately, we do not do it. We hang onto the hurts, the disappointments and the failures, thus, becoming baggage. We not only hang onto it, but often times, we pass our baggage unto others. It isn't enough that we condemn ourselves and keep ourselves bogged down with this weight, but those close to us get the excess weight thrust upon them.
When we ask God to empower us, it is possible to leave old baggage behind. All we have to do is open up to the Holy Spirit and name each piece one by one, and before you know it, your bag will be unpacked.
Isn't it time for you to be set free? Go ahead and unpack your bags today!
📘LENT Reading Plan
1 week ago