Today was a good day. A great day.
Before school I rushed around and finished tidying the house before I had a scrapbooking class here. I took the girls to school (such a beautiful morning!) then hung out the washing and got ready for the class.
The class went really well and I even got a scrapbook page done for myself. When the girls went home I felt that I had had a relaxing morning - and now had a clean house and a free afternoon - woohoo!
I had lunch and read more of the book I bought yesterday -
One Magic Square by Lolo Houbein. I've been thinking of growing vegies, and particularly using the square metre gardening idea, so when I saw this book in a bookshop yesterday I couldn't resist. It's an amazing book, and particularly written about gardening in Australia, so it's perfect. What I wasn't expecting was to be blown away by the reasons to grow your own food. So many good reasons, which benefit not only your own family, but the whole nation and world over time. I hope to talk about some of them over time (as I get into food production LOL).
Feeling totally inspired I went outside in the sunshine to dig up my first vege plot. Not exactly a square metre, but almost. It took me about 45 minutes to clear out the weeds, and I cannot believe that I forgot to take an "after" photo! That will have to wait till the next instalment. While I was out there I made a bird bath. (photo also to come)

Back inside to make another quick scrapbook page (and did I mention some more reading of the magic square book plus munching on the spoils of Mothers Day?) before picking up the girls.

Afternoon tea of fruit cake (baked last night - I've been on a roll these last 24 hours, I tell you) - a new recipe and it's a little dry, but it might be better in the centre. Then bring in the washing and pick some lavender, our two varieties are blooming madly with the rest of the garden since the April rains.

Dinner of sausages with then an invented dish - polenta, eggs, cheese and a few veges thrown in, cooked in the microwave then browned in the oven. Quite yummy and it used the rest of the polenta. I cleared the pantry the other day and am hoping to use up all the half-used packets in the next few weeks. With the new-found space I am storing valuable items like tinned foods to have on hand in case of sickness, emergency, or plain old lack-of-interest in grocery shopping!
If only every day could be so productive! I'm sure the sunshine helps. Summer heat drains me but in Autumn I can do anything!