Sweet Evie, this was another big month of firsts. You had your first ear infection (left ear), took your first step, went to your first rodeo, experienced your first time around farm animals and went on your first big road trip.
When we went to the doctor for your first ear infection (left ear) right when you turned 10 months old, you weighed 18lb 12oz (40%) and were 28.25" long (55.21%).
You continue to be such an active little girl! You took your first step on 4/7/12 (at 9.5 months) and then took 5 steps in a row on your 10 Month birthday. You also really love to swing. Your legs often kick nonstop in excitement.
You LOVE animals. On a recent trip to a farm, you wouldn't quit kicking your legs in delight at the sight of them. I can't praise you (and Caleb) enough for doing such a great job on our road trip to and from Louisville. You were so good and slept most of the way and then played quietly while you were awake.
You still just have your bottom 2 teeth, but that hasn't really limited what you'll eat. You LOVE Cheerios. You will eat most anything, but sometimes I have to try harder to get you to eat vegetables than fruits. Caleb was the opposite and seemed to prefer vegetables at your age. This month you have become much more independent in eating and now prefer to feed yourself.
For a couple months now, you have to have something to play with while you drink your milk. Like I had to do with Caleb, I keep a stash of random items near me when I feed you so that I can hand you something else when you get bored with what you're currently holding. In the morning, though, you'll usually close your eyes and play with your hair while you eat.
This month you definitely seem to have learned who "Da Da" and will call him that. I love that you seem to have learned how to mimic the inflection in my voice when i say "Hi". You'll sometimes crawl/cruise around the house making a clicking sound with your tongue. Whenever I start doing it too, you get a huge grin as you look up at me and then continue to do it.
You now randomly make Motorboat sounds and will blow raspberries.
You love stuffed animals and will giggle with delight when I give you one. You also still LOVE your blanket and will laugh when I give it to you, even if you had previously been crying. Your blanket laugh is more of a growl laugh, though.
You'll regularly pull the dish towels off the stove and dishwasher doors and will drop them on the floor. You also like to pull stuff out of the dishwasher and tupperware cabinet.
You have become much more stingy with your kisses and will usually only let Caleb kiss you on your mouth. You love your brother so much, and man, can he really make you laugh!
So far, you are definitely a mommy's girl but also love to be around other people. People are always commenting on how happy and smiley you are. Caleb was an extremely happy baby too, but I'm guessing that you're going to be more of a social butterfly than he will be. I may be remembering incorrectly, but it seems like Caleb was a little more laid back, whereas you're more squirmy and ready to be in the middle of the action. We'll see, though.
Baby girl, we adore you! You bring so much joy to our lives, and we're so thankful you're ours!!
Click here to see more pictures of Evie.