Please comment below on who you think Caleb looks like. Feel free to mention a specific feature if you notice a resemblance. After looking at these pictures, I think I finally have an opinion, but I'm curious to see what everyone else thinks.
It's Time to Weigh In
Ever since Caleb was born, people have had very strong opinions about who he looks like. Some definitely think it's me, and some definitely think it's Ryan. We've known from the beginning that Caleb's coloring as a baby is like what mine was (blonde hair, blue eyes, fair skin), but I haven't been able to figure out beyond coloring who he looks like. Well, I finally got around to uploading Ryan and my old baby pictures. The first set of pictures is each of us in the hospital. The next set is what I'm guessing is 2-3 months later for each of us, and then the next set is I'm guessing a few months after that. In each set of pictures, Ryan's on the top left, I'm on the top right, and Caleb is below in the middle.
Please comment below on who you think Caleb looks like. Feel free to mention a specific feature if you notice a resemblance. After looking at these pictures, I think I finally have an opinion, but I'm curious to see what everyone else thinks.

Please comment below on who you think Caleb looks like. Feel free to mention a specific feature if you notice a resemblance. After looking at these pictures, I think I finally have an opinion, but I'm curious to see what everyone else thinks.
It has been such an incredible blessing to watch the Lord's provision in helping some of our dear friends bring home orphaned children.
Our friends, the Philpots, explained their decision to adopt so well, and I wanted to share a short excerpt from one of their first blog posts.
"We’ve been especially encouraged by some of the theological implications of adoption. You see, both of us were adopted. We weren’t orphans, at least not in the way most people think of that word. But, as C.J. Mahaney says, we were in a condition far more serious: we were strangers to the family of God, slaves to sin, and objects of the justified wrath of God. But in His grace, God convicted our hearts to turn from sin and trust in Jesus Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross in our place. And because of our faith in Christ, we’ve been adopted into a new family. God the righteous Judge became our merciful Father. He has given us a new identity in Christ. And our family will have the privilege of being a visual picture of God’s adopting work in the life of everyone who trusts in Christ.""
I have been humbled as we've watched so many children go from being orphans to being welcomed home by loving fathers and mothers. We rejoice with the Greens, the Clarks, the Hunters, the Hutchesons and the Philpots who have either brought children home within the last year or are bringing them home in the next couple weeks. We rejoice with you as you hold your long-awaited children. Thank you for modeling the Gospel so well!
Our friends, the Philpots, explained their decision to adopt so well, and I wanted to share a short excerpt from one of their first blog posts.
"We’ve been especially encouraged by some of the theological implications of adoption. You see, both of us were adopted. We weren’t orphans, at least not in the way most people think of that word. But, as C.J. Mahaney says, we were in a condition far more serious: we were strangers to the family of God, slaves to sin, and objects of the justified wrath of God. But in His grace, God convicted our hearts to turn from sin and trust in Jesus Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross in our place. And because of our faith in Christ, we’ve been adopted into a new family. God the righteous Judge became our merciful Father. He has given us a new identity in Christ. And our family will have the privilege of being a visual picture of God’s adopting work in the life of everyone who trusts in Christ.""
I have been humbled as we've watched so many children go from being orphans to being welcomed home by loving fathers and mothers. We rejoice with the Greens, the Clarks, the Hunters, the Hutchesons and the Philpots who have either brought children home within the last year or are bringing them home in the next couple weeks. We rejoice with you as you hold your long-awaited children. Thank you for modeling the Gospel so well!
Excellent Photographer!
My sister-in-law, Jill, is one. She's great with kids and took the picture of Caleb that now serves as our blog header. She recently started a new photography website, and you can check it out here. We're so excited for you, Jill!
Our New Tripod
Last Night...
we came home from Bible study to this:

We've had quite a bit of snow over the last few weeks (around a foot or maybe a little more), and there hasn't been much of an opportunity for it to melt. The first thing we noticed were the words written on our driveway, "We love the Odyssey." (Ryan is teaching through The Odyssey with his 7th and 8th grade Writing and Literature students.) Then we saw DSCS written in our yard, which is the school Ryan teaches at. Ryan's students who did this also wrote their initials in the snow. It took us a few minutes to realize that they also shoveled our entire driveway and sidewalks. So sweet! I can't imagine how long it took those two sweet girls, but we're very thankful for their service to us.
Poor Wally has had to run out in snow almost up to his stomach every day to go potty. I'm amazed, too, at how big the icicles get that hang from our gutters. Ryan keeps knocking them down with a baseball bat, but there are always more the next day. Here are a couple of other recent snow pictures:

We've had quite a bit of snow over the last few weeks (around a foot or maybe a little more), and there hasn't been much of an opportunity for it to melt. The first thing we noticed were the words written on our driveway, "We love the Odyssey." (Ryan is teaching through The Odyssey with his 7th and 8th grade Writing and Literature students.) Then we saw DSCS written in our yard, which is the school Ryan teaches at. Ryan's students who did this also wrote their initials in the snow. It took us a few minutes to realize that they also shoveled our entire driveway and sidewalks. So sweet! I can't imagine how long it took those two sweet girls, but we're very thankful for their service to us.
Poor Wally has had to run out in snow almost up to his stomach every day to go potty. I'm amazed, too, at how big the icicles get that hang from our gutters. Ryan keeps knocking them down with a baseball bat, but there are always more the next day. Here are a couple of other recent snow pictures:
5 Months!
Over the first few days of this last month, you went through a short rough patch of not sleeping so well. You had spoiled us with 10 hours at night for the previous couple months, and I don't know if you were going through a growth spurt or if you were just wanting to see what we would do each time you cried. Thankfully, it only lasted a few days, and you're now back to going 10-12 hours between feedings at night and 4 hours during the day. This puts you at four feedings a day, with a 1.5-2 hour nap between each one. You rolled over for the second time on 1-11 and have done it sporadically ever since.
This month, you are giggling more, and it's such a sweet sound. You still love to be sung to and love to dance, stand and jump. It's pretty entertaining to watch you in your jumperoo--this toy is so perfect for you since you love being active.
You love your baths and have learned how to kick and then push up on your legs so that the water splashes out of the tub. You also recently learned how to suck on your bottom lip, and your newest trick is blowing bubbles underneath and on the sides of your tongue. You commonly entertain yourself by either doing that, sucking on your hands or playing with your feet.
Often when you get tired, you babble before you finally lose all energy and fall asleep. I'm thankful that you're so easy to read when you're tired.
Rice cereal was also a first this month. Click here for the play by play. You weren't too sure about it at first, but you seem to be liking it more these days.
I love your fuzzy blonde head and your squeals of delight. I also love how when you get excited you flap your arms and kick your legs. It's fun to think back to our 9 week ultrasound, where even then we saw both of your arms and legs moving around like crazy.
Visit our Shutterfly site for more pictures from this month.
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