Precious Caleb! You’re growing up too fast, little one! This month was one of lots of milestones for you.

At this point, you grab for EVERYTHING. It doesn’t matter what it is, if you can see it, you’re going for it and trying to put it in your mouth. You’re sitting so well now and finally rolled over from your back to your tummy. You kept getting so close but couldn't figure out how to get the shoulder that had been underneath you rotated back around. I realized we just needed the right motivating factor--my cell phone. Sure enough, as soon as I laid that out, you rolled completely over like it was no big deal.

At the beginning of this month, you started scooting backward. This was a new thing for me too because you no longer stay where I put you. You love getting up on all fours and rocking back and forth. You rock so hard that sometimes I wonder if you’re going to end up doing a face plant into the ground. You’ve now learned how to pull yourself forward when on all fours. Though not quite crawling, within the last week or so, you have gotten to a point where you can get around pretty well.
These days, you always have your tongue out and are often blowing bubbles. You’re so content, especially in the morning, and will often entertain yourself for quite awhile.
It’s getting harder to keep you in Bible study with us because you are constantly squealing with delight. You’re talking more and often let out these long sighs. Since around 4.5 months, you will sometimes make the “Mmm” or “Muh” sound when crying, but it's not all the time. This month, though, you said, “Deh” by mimicking me and then, “Deh deh” later that same day. Now thats all you say is, “Deh deh deh...”

You wear mostly 6 month clothes but are still in some 3-6 months. I’m ready to move you up to a Size 3 diaper, but we’re still working on finishing off all the 2s first.
Your day typically consists of 4 feedings and 3 1.5-2 hour naps. Your naps are usually around 9:30am, 1:30pm and 5:30pm, but we typically end up skipping your last nap on nights we have church or Bible study. The first feeding of the day is around 7:30 or 8, and the last feeding at night is around 7:30 or 8, depending on my work schedule.
For a few months now, you have loved when I sing you “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star”. It almost always gets you to stop fussing.
You still don’t have any teeth, but you sure continue to drool like crazy.
You love your crawl ball, your blue octopus, your Monchichi, rattle ball, our cell phones and the remote control. All of these inevitably end up in your mouth.

Sweet boy, you absolutely LOVE your baths and and have learned to splash the water EVERYWHERE. You rarely want to lay back in your tub, instead, you like to sit up or lean all the way forward.
You got sick twice this month but only for a couple days each time. It’s mostly my fault, though, because I can't seem to get over my own sickness and end up giving it back to you.

This month you started solids. You tried sweet potatoes, then peas, then carrots, then green beans and have loved them all. I pray this continues and that you're not a picky eater as you get older. You love eating and will often moan a little bit if we’re not feeding you quickly enough.
One thing you do that makes me laugh is when you want something (even if it's just wanting us to pick you up), you hold your arms out in front of you and rotate your wrists around, so that your hands are going in constant circles. You also will sometimes drop your lower jaw down (and sometimes to the right a bit) and will open and close your mouth repeatedly, almost like you're chewing something. It’s pretty cute.
We love you, little boy, and we're so honored that God has chosen us to be your parents!