Unfortunately, pictures were only allowed to be taken outside and in the press room.
Mike provided lots of great information to make the experience much more meaningful. One of our favorite parts was the pictures they had up all over of Bush. Mike said they change most of them out regularly to reflect the things Bush has been doing. Some of my favorite pictures included:
•President Bush dancing with Laura at the Inaugural Ball, giving someone in the background a thumbs up
•President Bush standing on the rubble at Ground Zero calling out that the whole world would soon here from us
•Bush addressing the nation from the Oval Office after 9-11
•Bush loving on some of the people in Africa
•Bush cycling with Lance Armstrong (apparently he is really big into riding his bike and is in really, really good shape--the Secret Service guys have a hard time keeping up)
•Bush apparently will cut down trees at his Crawford ranch to create new bike trails, so his staff gave him a chainsaw with the Presidential seal on it
•Bush with his puppies
•Bush sitting at his desk in the Oval Office with his dad looking on proudly