

Ryan and I took a trip with our good friends, Eric and Jessica, to Boyne Falls, Michigan in June. (I know, a little late, but I've had computer problems lately.)

Anyway, on the way up there, we stopped in Indianapolis to eat at Fogo de Chao for lunch. The food was really good, but I think the best part of our experience there was when one of the waiters kept pressing me for what I wanted for my free birthday dessert. I kept telling him I'd like to think about it a minute. I don't know if he didn't hear me or couldn't understand, but he kept saying, "Cheesecake?...Chocolate cake?...Creme brulee?" Ryan, Eric and Jessica all started laughing, and it took everything I had to hold it together.

We then continued our trek up to northern Michigan. We were excited to see the place we were staying. The pictures of the place online looked great, but you never really know what you're going to get.

We were there for a week, which was absolutely wonderful. Praise the Lord for vacations!

Our days were filled with golf, tennis, hiking, biking, kayaking, paddleboating and swimming. The nights were filled with games--Rook, Settlers, Catch Phrase and Guesstures.

Some highlights from the trip:

•Lunch at Fogo de Chao in Indianapolis.
•The boys decided to each stuff a VERY large pancake into their mouths just to see if it would fit.
•Ryan chipped a golf ball at Eric and hit him in the ankle from about 30 yards away.
•Riding the ski lift up the mountain with our bikes.
•I busted on my bike while we were riding down a mountain. (I think my bike and I both did a front flip, which was pretty scary. Praise the Lord for bike helmets!)
•Eric fell backwards in his chair while we were playing Guesstures.
•Rocking out to Lionel Richie, Journey and some other great ones on the way home, all courtesy of Eric's iPod.
•Handstand contests in the pool--point those toes! :)

Of course there are too many wonderful memories to recount here, but thank you, Eric and Jessica, for a great time in Michigan!


Barbeque, Berries and Bonding

This is ridiculous how behind I am on blogging, but here's another attempt to catch up:

In May, yes two months ago, we had a Memorial Day Cook-Out with our Sunday school class at the Wellums' home. There was lots of good food, not to mention Hillbilly Horseshoe, Cornhole, badminton and bubbles for the kids.

A couple weeks later, we went with the Sosebees to Joe Huber Farm to pick some strawberries. Ryan and I had never picked anything out there, and I was so excited about fresh strawberries. My goodness they smelled so good! We then ate some good ole' Southern home cooked food--fried chicken, mashed potatoes, corn, green beans, the works.

We froze some of the strawberries when we got home and have almost finished all of them. We ate them plain, over ice cream and even made some absolutely delicious strawberry shortcake. The strawberry shortcake was so good that I think it now sits toward the top of both of our favorite desserts list.

Our Sunday school class had a girls' night at our house a few weeks ago. It was wedding-themed so everyone brought their wedding albums to look through. We played fun little wedding games and ate some typical wedding food--cake, chocolate covered strawberries, after dinner mints, nuts and some punch.

Kristi gave a devotional emphasizing the importance of not letting our guards down in our marriage. Unfortunately, we know several Christian couples who have gotten a divorce, and it's such a good reminder that it can happen to anyone. We need to daily choose to love our spouse as Christ loved the church, and we have to seek to make God the center of our marriage.

Anyway, it was a great night hanging out with some beautiful godly women.