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Showing posts with label science. Show all posts
Showing posts with label science. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Heart on your sleeve

Has anyone else noticed the trend in decorative anatomy?

I'm used to seeing anatomical images at work, though usually on a poster or textbook.  It's another thing entirely to see these images as jewelry.   I love the juxtaposition when these things adorn the outside of a neck, a wrist, a finger.

[spine and pelvis necklace by Lillian Crowe via Supermarket]

[pelvis necklace by Missy Industry on Supermarket]

Now, some people just can't stomach these types of images.

[stomach pendant by TillyBloom via Etsy]

They aren't for the faint-of-heart.

[heart ring by Melanie Favreau on Supermarket]

So, if you see one of these items on a friend, just take a deep breath...

[lung necklace by Missy Industry on Etsy]

Any squeamishness is just in your mind.

[brain necklace by Moon Raven Designs on Etsy]

Try to see these beautiful pieces as I do:  art, not ick!

For more quasi-medical decoration, see my previous posts here and here.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Knitter's Anatomy

For those of you who are not familiar with the online world of knitters, you may be interested to know that a subset of these strange creatures are quite nerdy (in a scientific kinda way).

Allow me to present to you "Knitter's Anatomy":  a smattering of knitted human organs that can be found around the Interwebs.  I don't think I need to expound their awesomeness.  Just know that I am reveling in it as well.

Exhibit 1:  The uterus.  (found here)

Exhibit 2:  The vulva.  (found here)

Exhibit 3:  The gastrointestinal tract.  (found here)

Exhibit 4:  The brain.  (found here)

Exhibit 5:  The heart.  (found here)

Exhibit 6:  The lungs?  (found here)

Well, there you have it, folks.  Maybe I'll try for an anatomically correct version of the lungs, in a boucle yarn to simulate the alveoli (Karli's idea).  Or perhaps a pair of kidneys, in a nice burgundy mercerized cotton, ureters in a goldenrod yellow and the bladder in a pastel pink.  Oh, the possibilities....