Showing posts with label Baby Shower. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baby Shower. Show all posts

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thankful Thursday: Nose Spray & Hubby

It's thankful Thursday time! We all have so much to be thankful for and we love to take this opportunity just to write down each and everything that comes to mind. Please take this time to share with us what you're thankful for as well. If you have a blog expressing your thankfulness, please share the link! Without further ado, here's what we're thankful for:

Mandi's List:
I'm thankful for my hubby. He is just so good to me. I was gone for the day in Tucson for work, and when I got home he had done all the laundry (washed and folded), emptied the dish washer, sorted the mail, and picked up. On top of that, he has been full of endless compliments telling me how beautiful I look. Nothing like being built up AND taken care of. Man I love him!

I'm thankful for good family and friends. Are you maybe saw via pictures, we had our baby shower on Sunday. It was a great celebration made special by GREAT family and friends. They showered us with love and Peanut with gifts. I can't wait to get Peanut home to have her enjoy all the goodies.

I'm thankful for my little nugget. She is my favorite little wiggle worm that keeps me company day and night. I will miss her kicks, punches, squirms, and wiggles when she's finally here, but I cannot wait to see her face. I am so thankful that God has blessed us with this baby and I am so thankful that we are so close to meeting her.

Ronnie's List:

I'm thankful for a great weekend with friends and family. I can't say enough what an awesome job my mom, aunts and cousins did in putting together our baby shower. It was monkey/jungle themed and they found so many awesome toys, clothes, books, etc with monkeys and other animals on them. The totally cool part is that we of course got to keep all of the decorations! We ended up with about 7 stuffed animals, 6 outfits and 10 books. Thanks again guys, it was awesome. (If you're interested in seeing pics from the baby shower, click here)

I'm so thankful for winter grass. I'm not sure how it works in other parts of the country, but here in the desert, we have to plant different grass for the cold months. We laid down the winter rye about 2 weeks ago and it's really starting to grow and green up. We have a couple problem areas like last winter, but as soon as we patch those up, we're going to have some pretty turf. Never been a huge grass guy, but when it's my yard, I kind of have to be!

I'm thankful for my nose spray. This last hospital stay I started doing a nose spray (Fluticasone) each morning and night. Now, I'm told that my sinuses are chalk full and that at some point they'll need to bring in the roto-rooter, but as of right now, they don't think it's causing too many problems. I have the occasional sinus headache, but my biggest problem is my sniffing. I get in these crazy cycles to where I just can't stop. It's part habit and part making my nose feel better. Anyway, since starting the nose spray, my sniffing has gone down and overall my sinuses feel clearer. I'm certainly thankful for I'm sure Mandi is as well :)

So, what are you thankful for today?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Pictures from Baby Shower

We had a great time this weekend with friends and family celebrating the fast approaching arrival of Peanut. My sis-in-law Chrissy was on picture duty and did a great job capturing some special moments. If you have any questions about a particular picture, let me know :)