Showing posts with label mookaite. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mookaite. Show all posts

Saturday, March 24, 2012


If you follow me on FaceBook, you know that I've been trying to get some enameling done all week long.  And yesterday I spent the majority of the morning enameling! Finally.  I enamel so infrequently.  It really is best done in the cool months of the year, because it can get quite warm sitting in front of a kiln for hours at a time.  I finally got inspired to make enameling a priority!  I'd like to have a nice little stock of items to sell in the Fall when I will likely do a show or two.  And summer is fast approaching here in Texas.  It won't be long before it will be too hot!  I just can't justify running the air conditioner while simultaneously running a 1450 degree kiln.

So, I had a lot of fun yesterday.  I got several pieces that pass the quality control inspector (me) and some pieces that didn't make the cut.  About half way through, and too far in to turn back, I remembered a lesson that I had learned before and forgotten.  And then another thing!  And so on all day.  But after reading my enameling book again, I have new ideas already brewing, and hopefully I'll remember lessons learned next time!

 This is the Tulip necklace ~ Windalia ~ But I've been calling her Mooka.

The inspiration for this piece began with this:

A sea of tulips at the Dallas Arboretum.  The day before I had pulled reds, oranges and yellows for my first enameling session.  Seeing this view just really cemented the idea of what I wanted to make.

I began with many layers of yellow, followed by sprinklings of golden yellow, light ruby red, dark ruby red, and a color that was labeled red but looks more pink!    Since I don't know my enameling colors well enough to predict what the colors will look like, my original color scheme evolved a bit.

And the finished colors remind me of Mookaite Jasper from Australia.  And so we have Mooka colored Tulips!  :-)

I've not been spending much time at the computer, but I will try to get this listed soon.  If you are interested in this piece, email me at