


: rinia

rinia ([info]rinia) 投稿者,
@ 2007-11-20 05:04:00

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Quinn + plant





(Reply from suspended user)

2007-11-20 07:12 pm (リンク)
(笑)I challenge you to a duel! XDDD

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(Reply from suspended user)

2007-11-21 05:23 am (リンク)
They're nice pictures! What's the CM Festival? :O

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(Reply from suspended user)

2007-11-21 05:49 pm (リンク)
Okay, so like a commercial/advertisement festival?

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(Reply from suspended user)

(Reply from suspended user)

(Reply from suspended user)

(Reply from suspended user)

2007-11-20 10:00 pm (リンク)
Oh! I see. so I get older... 私もとしをとるはずだ。。。
It is early to graduate high school in Austraria!
Japanese high school student still have a class until end of the March.

You will miss your friends...But you will meet new friends! and so many happy things are waiting for you!!

次は「女子大生」だね☆ atomics?

Your phots are so beautiful. And your cat is so cute.(*´Д`*)<3

(コメントを残す) (子コメント)

2007-11-21 05:36 am (リンク)
I think it's early because we usually start school in the first week of February, and finish in December. But because I'm in college (高校二年+高校三年), we finish early. Next week is exams, but I don't have any exams this year! Just a drama performance tomorrow. ;;;;;  再来年、大学に行かなきゃ.でも、来年の間に働く予定です〜〜.オーストラリアで you enter university, and then you can defer for a year. Most people take a gap year, they travel and make money before university. Because in Australia, if you are a student and you make more than $18600 in 18 months, you can get AuStudy (where the government gives you $200 a week to help you with expenses). 大学で、日本語と韓国語とeducationを勉強するつもりです〜〜.You're right, I wanted to do atomics! But now I think education is more fun for me,,, maybe? ;;;;

I was sick yesterday, so I took photos for a while,,, my cat is so silly and vain! She likes photos of herself! ;;;; 

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2007-11-20 11:37 pm (リンク)

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2007-11-21 05:43 am (リンク)

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