
Viser opslag med etiketten Shimmerz Texturez. Vis alle opslag
Viser opslag med etiketten Shimmerz Texturez. Vis alle opslag

fredag den 25. marts 2016

Beachy Tag and Card Set using the Newport Collection by Cathi

Hello crafty friends, Cathi here! Last project I did for Riddersholm used the pastel pink shades in the Newport collection for a spring theme! Today I used the gorgeous beachy Shells paper from the collection with my favorite blues, browns and grays. I absolutely love how my tag and card turned out!

For the tag, I cut out the shape and inked the edges. I also sewed in dark gray thread around the edge of the tag. I fussy cut the compass shape from the paper, again inking the edges.

I love the colors of the Prima flowers I used on these project this week, they match so well with the papers! I added some thick netting to fit the beach theme!

Of course I had to tuck in some shells, and also added a cut out title to the tag, Stay Calm and listen to the waves!  I also added in some Wycinaka chipboard grasses.

Here you can see where I added some splashes done with Shimmerz Texturez and a stencil. I finished off the tag with a lot of gorgeous ribbons and lace found in the shop!

My card also uses the gorgeous Shells paper.Again I added gray stitching to the edge of the card.

I built up the card starting with the gorgeous neutral flowers from Prima in gray and black. I added some shells into the cluster and the gorgeous thick netting.

I tucked in a few more white flowers, added some cutout pieces to the card and added my favorite script stamp to the background.

I hope you like my tag and card set, they are some of my favorite pieces for the year.  Have a look at the gorgeous Newport Collection it is so versatile!

lørdag den 24. oktober 2015

Smile and Be Happy: A Barn Market layout by Cathi

Hello fellow scrappers, Cathi here with my first layout using the gorgeous Barn Market papers!! I chose the Spottet Rose paper for my layout today, using a gorgeous cut out tag and title from the Barnmarket page.  I just love this photo of my daughter teaching her dad how to do selfies!

On my background I used a Prima mask and Shimmerz Texturez then added my photo. I used lots of Prima and Petaloo flowers from my stash and cut out some butterflies from the Barnmarket page.

I added some gorgeous branches from La-La Land Crafts dies, love the design!

Here I tucked in a gorgeous chatelaine Wycinaka... I added in my title and a few more butterflies and added a few splashes to finish it off!  Check out the new Barn Market collection in the store, it is just beautiful!!!!

torsdag den 3. september 2015

Happy: A Tailgate Marked Layout by Cathi

Hello fellow crafters, Cathi here!! This week I have a layout using the gorgeous Byegone Era paper from the Tailgate Marked line. It has a very nautical feel to it so I chose a photo of my girls on the water!

I used lots of mists molding pastes and stamps on this layout and added gorgeous Wycinaka chipboard.

I added some gorgeous blue Riddersholm netting behind my photo along with a tag journalling our day. I added some shells here and there to go along with the waterside theme! Here again you can see all the masking misting stamping and splashing in my background!

I used lots of Prima and Petaloo flowers from my stash as well as a gorgeous Riddersholm cutout tag.

I had fun making this layout and adding depth and texture to the background. I also pulled out the colors in my daughters shirt to use in the layout, lots of fun!

I hope you enjoy my layout this week and come visit the shop!!

søndag den 30. august 2015

Happy Diving.

Jeg har lavet et LO med papir fra Fall fleamarket og med masser
maritime ting. Fiske Garn - Glasglitter -  Shimmerz texturez,
Gips figurer alt sammen fra Riddersholm shoppen.
Muslingskaller og træstykker er fundet ved stranden og pyntet med Glassglitter.
Der ud over er der brugt stempler og dies,
og det er standset det ud i kork.

Tak fordi i kiggede med :-)

fredag den 17. juli 2015

There's a Rose in Love's Garden for You

Hi! Cathi here again using gorgeous Riddersholm Huntington Gardens papers and tags! I just love all the tag cut out sheets that are included with the collections. 

Here I was able to use some tags as part of the title, as part of my terrarium embellie background and I fussy cut one of the butterflies to use on its own. So versatile and they really add a lot of depth and dimension to a layout!

I used a lot of different media for my background, including my favorite Sandy Stone Shimmerz Texturez which I used a mask with for a gorgeous pattern around the layout. I then added some gesso and various ink splatters!

The little cutie is my eldest daughter looking a bit like a pixie out in our garden long long ago! I tucked in gorgeous Prima flowers and wood embellies and had fun with twine twisting around the layout. I finished it off with stitching along the edges.

fredag den 3. juli 2015

Be Happy Layout by Cathi

Hi scrappy friends, Cathi here!!! This week I am using the gorgeous Tailgate Marked collection to make a beachy layout with a subtle red white and blue theme in honor of the country of my birth!! I live in Ireland but I grew up in the United States!

I just love using shells on my beachy layouts, so I have added many here. I have also used some cut out tags and the "Be Happy" title from the Huntington Gardens collection... To add some depth and layers to my layout I added some stripy ribbon and some white ribbon mesh.

For my background work I added some misting, splashes and some masking using gorgeous Gritty Graphite Shimmerz Texturez. I tucked in some Prima and Petaloo flowers to add some color to my layout.

Here you can see some of the clustering and background work I did. Finally, I added some twine across the layout for a finishing detail.  I really hope you like my summery layout!!!

mandag den 22. juni 2015

Layout fra Newport Beach 2015

Jeg har lavet et LO med papir fra Vitage venture,
Billedet er inspireret fra vores ferie i januar til Californien.
Vi var en tur forbi Newport Beach et skønt sted med
masser af fugle- og dyreliv. Bland andet disse pilikaner. 

Jeg har brug strandskaller samlet ved vores strand, fyldt dem
med Glitter, Fiskegarn, Shimmersz Texturez og gipsf søhesteller figure
som er støbt i forme alt sammen fra shoppen.

Ægte strandskaller med glitter fra Riddersholm design.
Og gips musling fra støbeforme fra shoppen.

Den Brune glas glitter

Shimmerz texturez farve Patina


tirsdag den 19. maj 2015


Til denne tirsdag har jeg lavet et sommerkort, i lette og lyse farver.
Jeg har brugt papirer fra Tailgate og Fall Flea Market.
Jeg har lavet struktur med stencil, og Shimmerz Texturez "Patina" og "Tidy Widy".
Derefter har jeg mistet lidt i venstre side med Heidi Swapp Color Shine "Mint".
Der er pyntet med udstandsning, Wycinanka chipboard, ostelærred, twine, silkebånd, gipsblomster, Prima blomster og halvperler. 
På det øverste stykke har jeg sat det stykke husblas for at give lidt spil.
Det kan være lidt svært at se. 
Og et lille "smile" sentiment som eneste tekst. 
Når jeg ikke kan få forår udenfor, så griber jeg fat i forårsfarverne i kreahulen :)
God og kreativ uge til jer :)

torsdag den 7. maj 2015

Smile and Be Happy layout by Cathi

Hi! Back again with another layout using the gorgeous Vintage Venture papers! Last time I went for a really modern grungy look and this week I am back to romantic! I love how versatile this collection can be. 

I have used the paper Blossoms from the Vintage Venture collection and also some postcard cut outs. I used a selfie my daughter took, her selfies always look ten times better than anything I could take of her, so it is great!!! She is looking so grown up these days. Sigh.

I used a Riddersholm cut out for my title: Smile and Be Happy and have also used a gorgeous birdcage from WycinakaI have some masking using my Shimmerz Texturez in Crushed Coral.

I used a gorgeous Prima vine from my stash and added an Ink It blossom in the middle for a delicate look.

I hope you like my layout this week. There are lots of beautiful papers and gorgeous products in the Riddersholm Designs Store, come have a look!!