
Viser opslag med etiketten Newport Beach. Vis alle opslag
Viser opslag med etiketten Newport Beach. Vis alle opslag

tirsdag den 15. marts 2016

TAGs in Envelopes by Dunja | Newport Collection

 Hi everyone!

this is Dunja here again and today is my turn at the Riddersholm Blog.  

So I would like to show you two tags in matching envelopes. The template for this is by Dutch Doobadoo and made super fastif you ever need a little something at the last minute - that's it ;)

♥    ♥

The images speak for themselves, right? :)

♥    ♥

I have created the tags and envelopes with the papers from the NEWPORT Collection of Riddersholm. I like this set very much :) The first tag is combined with the wood and purple color. 
I simply cut out a picture of a pattern sheet, some Mull and used Rhinestones.  
As i told you, it goes really quite quickly.

The second tag is designed similarly, but I have decided to do a variant of Easter.

♥    ♥

♥    ♥

Thank you so much for stopping by today. 
Have a wonderful day. If you have questions, please ask me ;)


fredag den 1. januar 2016

Stay Calm Layout with Newport Beach papers

Hello scrappy friends, Cathi here! Happy Happy New Year to everyone, may it bring you lots of yummy Riddersholm papers and goodies to design with!! I am ready to clear away our Christmas decorations this week and prepare for a fresh new year, so what better way than to dream of the summer and use the gorgeous new Newport papers!!

For my page I chose the Beach paper for Newport. I used a photo I took very near to Newport Beach during my trip to Los Angeles for CHA in 2014! I used lots of shells from my stash and added some gorgeous netting.

Here you can see the lovely white green and blue flowers I used from my stash. I added another cutout image from the Tailgate Marked collection, "Life is Better by the Beach". In this photo you can see the masking stamping and splashing I added to the background.

I added a Prima window and butterfly resin to the design and tucked in a few more cut out tags and some corrugated card. I love the detail in this page, love the pier image on the paper!

I hope you like my layout and hope you will come back to visit again!

onsdag den 4. november 2015

Gips og glimmer

Så blev det min DT onsdag igen, og det bli´r et lidt sent onsdagsindlæg denne gang, både pga. travlhed og wi-fi problemer...grrr.
Nå, men jeg har igen brugt papir fra Newport Beach - just love them!!
Jeg har inket papirkanterne med Distress Ink. Det lyse papir er blevet drysset med Stampendous "Gran-táge" embossing powder, og varmet fra undersiden.
Jeg har revet et stykke at det blå papir og limet kanterne med flydende lim, og hældt Glass Glitter langs kanten, og ladet det tørre. Igen PAS PÅ, det kan skære.
Jeg har pyntet med lidt wycinanka og små gipsfigurer.
Det hele er monteret lag på lag. 
Jeg har prøvet at skabe en strand stemning med farverne, det beige og blå, samt gipsfigurerne, som kan bruges som strandskaller/stjerner.
Hele kortet. 

Glass Glitter, embossing og gipsfigurer.
Blomster og gipsfigurer har fået lidt clear Wink of Stella. 

Håber i kan bruge inspirationen.
Næste weekend hjælper jeg til på Riddersholm standen til
Ses vi?