Welcome to my blog.... this is my place to share my projects and a little about my family with you. I only hope that you can find some inspiration here.

Showing posts with label Hats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hats. Show all posts

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Dalton wants Hats too!

I have been in a sewing mode while my cardmaking muse is out on vacation.  Just thought I'd show you what I have been up to.

After I crocheted and knitted hats for my DGD Cierra (HERE), Dalton ... my 6 year old Grandson asked me to make him "fishin' hats".  I went to the garage and began searching for fabrics that I thought might work. The pattern is Simplicity #5581.   This is what I came up with.

This first one I made turned out to be too small so he can give it to his little cousin:

This one is his size and I decided to make it reversible.  It is dark green on the reverse side:

After I was sure of the size I made him 3 more:
The Camo and Denim reverse to the same fabrics and the black one reverses to a bright blue.  I am thinking he will be pleased.  At least I hope so.

I have been doing some other things too that I'll be showing you between my Design Team obligations.  I had seen a few tutorials on making your own panties from T-shirts by using a pair of favorites for a pattern and I now have a new batch of underwear.....woohoo!!!  But those I am not going to show you ... LOL!

My oldest Grandson .. Taylor .. is 16 so I bought him jeans.  I do have a quilt top that I made him and need to get quilted.  I'll get it out and take a pic and show you.  I am saving it until I make quilts for Cierra and Dalton.

I hope you didn't mind my sewing projects and thanks so much for visiting,

Friday, January 28, 2011

Hats for Cierra

My Granddaughter Cierra lives in Florida and of all the things she could ask for ... she asked for hats.  Go figure. They must be the in thing right now among the the middle school set.  She asked me to make her some Beanies so I went through my yarn stash.  She requested pink and white and whatever else I wanted to do.  Since Christmas my Creative Spirit has been lacking so I have been knitting and crocheting ... Hats.   I HAVE to do something while watching TV.   Just thought I show you a few of them.

The red and blue hats are knitted and the brown,  pink and white ones are crocheted.  I sure hope she likes them.

I tried to start a sewing blog a few years ago and just couldn't get to far with it.  Couldn't get into the blogging part.  I have tons of sewing projects so I figured why not incorporate them here.  I tend to sew when my muse decides to travel.  Anyway you will probably be seeing many more of my non-paper related projects.  I hope you don't mind.   :)

Have a good day and thanks so much for coming by,
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