Welcome to my blog.... this is my place to share my projects and a little about my family with you. I only hope that you can find some inspiration here.

Showing posts with label Cierra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cierra. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Cierra's Bow

When I last posted I was waiting for my transfer at work to come through and for them to find a replacement for me.  I didn't think it would ever happen but on Thanksgiving Day I boarded a plane along with my little dog "Pepper" heading to Florida.  My son picked me up at the airport and I was able to sit at the Thanksgiving table with my grandchildren for the first time in 4 years.  So I am now living with my son and his family in sunny Florida.  I love being around the kids on a daily basis again.  I was fortunate enough to have enough vacation time until after Christmas so for the most part I have been extremely lazy.

I've been doing some embroidery and sewing.  My granddaughter, Cierra takes a dance class at school and she asked me if I could make them hair bows.  They are responsible for coming up with a dance and their own costumes for a grade.  Of course I said yes ... although I have never made a hair bow.  I searched online for a tutorial and found a video from mommycraftsalot.  My bow isn't as pretty as hers but not bad for a first timer ... lol.  Anyway .. they are calling themselves The Flamingos so I embroidered a covered button to add to the center.  Here is the result:

I'm pleased but most importantly Cierra is happy with them.  

When we arrived at the airport on Thanksgiving the flight was about 1/2 hour early so while we were waiting I couldn't resist taking a picture of Pepper.  Boy was she glad to get here ... lol

Hopefully I will get out of vacation mode and start posting again.  I am looking so forward to spending Christmas with the kids.  And afterwards I hope to get back into some kind of routine.  So until next time .. have a great day!!!!!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Hats for Cierra

My Granddaughter Cierra lives in Florida and of all the things she could ask for ... she asked for hats.  Go figure. They must be the in thing right now among the the middle school set.  She asked me to make her some Beanies so I went through my yarn stash.  She requested pink and white and whatever else I wanted to do.  Since Christmas my Creative Spirit has been lacking so I have been knitting and crocheting ... Hats.   I HAVE to do something while watching TV.   Just thought I show you a few of them.

The red and blue hats are knitted and the brown,  pink and white ones are crocheted.  I sure hope she likes them.

I tried to start a sewing blog a few years ago and just couldn't get to far with it.  Couldn't get into the blogging part.  I have tons of sewing projects so I figured why not incorporate them here.  I tend to sew when my muse decides to travel.  Anyway you will probably be seeing many more of my non-paper related projects.  I hope you don't mind.   :)

Have a good day and thanks so much for coming by,
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