Showing posts with label soaker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label soaker. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A new shop & a new feature for Resweater

I wanted to have an online venue for my finished products, so I opened up a second shop, Resweater Etc. I set it up, and even added a few things, and realized that it's too much work for me to take on right now. It is time consuming to list, especially since I have to be the eyes & fingers in my descriptions, since my customers can't pick them up & feel them. It is also time consuming to keep them inventoried, and organized in between craft shows too. If this were my only shop & venue, it wouldn't be a problem, but I have my Resweater shop, my wholesale orders, and my craft shows. Preschool is only 3 hours long ;) ! I feel bad though, not being able to offer my finished products online, especially for those of you that have asked for them, so I will be doing something new. Wednesdays will now be "What i've been working on Wednesday", and I will show the stuff I made that week. Just like Sweater Sunday, this will give you an opportunity to call dibs on anything you want to buy, before it is offered up to my wholesale customer or craft shows. What do you think?

This is what i've made over the last couple of weeks...

Diaper covers: medium longies in a thick merino, large double layer soaker in lambswool & merino, small double layer soaker in lambswool.

Lots o' mittens! By the way... they look perfect on hands, but look so wonky & oddly shaped laying there. Does anyone have any mitten secrets they would like to share? Steaming? Ironing?

Lot's o' Mitten Doublers.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I've been feeling sheepish...

Sometimes I feel a bit piggish too, and sometimes like a real monster!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Recycled wool diaper covers week, Grateful Buns

I love the soakers from Grateful Buns! The seams on the outsides are not only cute, but leaves no edges on the inside to rub against sensitive skin. Her soakers come with more than one layer, and most she terms "underwater" "....'cause if you get a leak with these, your baby might be under water ;) ", and from looking at them I believe it! You can find her fabulous wooly goodies in her Artfire shop, or Etsy shop.

Recycled wool diaper covers week, Chickadee And Me

Chickadee And Me carries a wide range of super cute recycled wool diaper covers, soakers, shorties, longies, and footies! Those footies are so clever... they have built in soft sole shoes! To find more great woolies, you can go to Chickadee And Me's website, or Etsy shop.

As always, if you'd like to view the pictures closer up just click on them!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Easy diaper covers

I decided to try my hand at making some soakers for my son, and I was very pleased at the outcome. Let me start by saying I am not good at sewing things, unless they are square & flat, and I have a hard time using patterns. This was so easy! I used Katrina's Sew Quick Soaker Pattern (newer pattern), and some lambswool sweater scraps I had from another project. My son has sensitive skin, so I made my seams on the outside. I think they look kinda cute that way too :) I added a wool scrap in the "wet zone" for added protection too. I think i'll try a pair of longies next. I imagine I could just add sleeves for the legs instead of the little cuffs.