I have been cleaning & organizing this week, so sewing has been on the back burner, but I did manage to squeeze in a quick pair of longies for my son. Half of his "woolly pants" are getting too small, and won't fit him next year, so I made another pair. These have rolled cuffs, and a fold over rise, so they should fit him for at least another year or 2. Can you tell we love stripes around here? :)

Another thing I have been working on is finding the original owner of this sweater!

This is a wool sweater that was typically worn by high school football players in the 1960's. I purchased it at a garage sale last summer, and couldn't bring myself to list it in my shop. I ran across it the other day & looked it over. There was a name tag sewn above the maker's tag, and the maker's tag had a city & state on it. Out of curiosity, I Googled the man's name, and the city/state. This man's name popped up in a 1961 alumni list! I then Googled only his name to see how common it was, to see if it was a coincidence, and there only seems to be 2 people in the U.S. by that name (or at least that are Google-able). If it belonged to the man on the alumni list, his class will be having their 50th reunion in May! I thought it would be so cool to reunite this man with his sweater, if he wants it, so I contacted the alumni office, and they are trying to contact him. Wouldn't it be so fun if he wanted it? Maybe he could wear it to his reunion! I'll keep you posted, if I hear back from them.