Showing posts with label pumpkin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pumpkin. Show all posts

Sunday, October 8, 2017

To Perfection: Happy Birthday MOM! wine tag.

Hello Ai fans!!

Did you see the Art Impressions exclusive stamp for Stamptember over at Simon Says Stamp?

If not, here's a look at it.  Everyone loves the girlfriends and when they're drinking wine and eating they suddenly become even more appropriate for my friends and family.  My mom's birthday was Oct. 3 and this is what I made for her.

The image is called To Perfection.
Rather than make a card I decided to go with a wine tag for the bottle.  This way she can display on her bar all Fall long.

I totally cased one of Cheri's outfits because I loved it so much!  I didn't quite have all the Copic shades she used but I came pretty close.  My mom loves all these colors.

A little while back we did a swap with Marvy and I love the supplies they sent me.  I colored the leaves with the Marvy Deco Just Glitter pens.  The sparkle and shimmer is AMAZING!

I also made my mom a wine cork pumpkin because I loved the one I made for myself so much!!

Here's her full gift with pumpkin, wine and tag.  She loved everything!

Copics used:

R00, R22, R56, R59, Y0000, Y11, Y17, YR14, YR24, YR27
W1, E25, E29, E30, E33, E37, E41, E44, E47, E50, E51, E55
E57, E77, E89, E93

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Pinterest Wine Cork Pumpkin!

Hello and happy Tuesday!

Well, I did it.  I caved.  I finally made one of those trendy Pinterest craft items.
I'm thrilled with how it turned out. I don't usually make "trendy" items because they're just that...a trend.  I like things that have lasting appeal.  Sophisticated items.  That being said, I've been a wine drinker for 20 years and have loved having corks around my house.  I feel this sweet pumpkin is something I'll still love in 5...10 or more years.

The leaves are just scrap ones that came off of artificial flowers I've had for years.  The beads and wire are from my craft collection.

Some of the corks were left natural.  By natural I mean I didn't alter them. Some are plain cork (from white wine) and some are pale purple from red wine.  The bolder color purples and the orange were died with my craft ink pads.

I also have a glitter marker that I went over a couple with to give it a little sparkle.  I love it so much!!

Happy Fall Ya'll!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Happy Meow-lloween from Art Impressions!

Hello Ai fans!

As you probably know Art Impressions releases several new clear stamp sets for Halloween.  They're ALL my favorite!!  The card I'm sharing today was made with Meow-lloween Set 4786.

This group was so much fun to color.  I loved deciding who would have spots, stripes or just be the ever eerie black cat for Halloween!  I stamped the bats twice so that I could pop them up and make them look like they were really in flight.

I used one of the verses from the set on the inside.

Copics used: Y08, BG10, BG34, R81, RV21, YG11,
YG23, E31, E33, E3, C1, C3, C5, C7, T5, YR04,
YR07, YR14, YR15, YR24, YR27, YR31, YR61, YR68

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Halloween TryFold from Art Impressions

Hello Ai fans!

Today I'm sharing the new Haunted House TF (Sku#4688)
It's part of the new 2015 TryFolds line.

My card fits right in to the Art Impressions "Cut Your Cards" challenge going on this week.

I used the Stampin' Up Slit punch to make a clasp to keep the card closed.

Here's a view from the top.  It was a new kind of fold for me.