Hello and happy Monday!
I'm a couple days behind in my post. I usually post on Saturday but I got side-tracked this past week. I had a card started for my post only to find out the my husband's boss lost his father to Corona Virus last Monday. Now I needed a sympathy card. I switched gears which delayed me a couple of days. I made this for his boss and his family.
I used STAINED GLASS FLORAL CIRCLE to make their card.
It's part of the Stained Glass series at IBFS.
Two days before his father passed away my husband's boss found out that he and his wife both have the disease as well. They thought they were doing fine but his wife has since been admitted to the hospital. It's been a rough week for this family. I feel like I should get another card out to them soon.
Hope you're all staying healthy and finding a little extra time to craft. Every dark cloud has a silver lining right?
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