Showing posts with label Pamper Your-Shelf MTF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pamper Your-Shelf MTF. Show all posts

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Baby Boy Journal pages 7 and 8

 Hello Ai fans!

Today I have the next two pages in my Baby Boy Journal.
These are the 7th and 8th pages that I've made.

Some of this book is based on my son.  I honestly can't remember when he first sat up without looking in his baby book. He was obsessed with dinosaurs from about 2-8 yrs. old though so notice the "dinosaur" book in front of the mouse.  He loved to be read to.  I can remember him being about 3 years old and correcting my husband's pronunciation of the dino! He's an avid reader now as an adult. as I say and not as I do.  I realized too late that I began gluing the pages on the right side of the journal in backwards.  Oops. You can see I tried to peel it up and it started to tear. Oh well.  It still works but, lesson learned. 

I hope you've been enjoying my journal.  It's been so much fun to make and I can't wait to start a new one.  I haven't decided on a theme yet.  There are SO MANY possibilities! 

If you've missed earlier posts just go to the bottom of this post and click the Baby Boy Journal tag and all of the previous pages will pop up.  I hope you had a great weekend!

Copics used:
RV10, B21, B45, G20, G43, Y17, Y28, Y32, E00, E23,
E41, E97, N1, N4, N6 W1, W2, W3

Marvy 100 Sapphire


Sunday, February 21, 2021

You're a treasure

Hello Ai fans!

So, 2020 was pretty weird and 2021 doesn't seem to be all that different so far. I am a Special Ed. Program Aide at an elementary school. I'm sure most people don't really know what that is. During the 2019-2020 school year my job was to work in 2 fifth grade classrooms.  I would assist kids with IEPs and 504s (just fancy abbreviations for they need more help than some kids) I would also pull small groups of kids out of classrooms for study groups for extra math or reading help.  We also had an "enrichment" period where I had taught 3 cooking classes.  I had just started a tutoring business and had two kids signed up.  Flash forward to March 2020 and that all came to a screeching halt.  I was stuck at home not helping children at all. 
Flash forward again to Fall 2020 and thankfully we were back in school. My job (hopefully temporarily) has changed dramatically though.

My job this year has me outside shuttling kids through a parking lot when parents drop them off and pick them up because parents aren't allowed in the lobby anymore.  I spend 2 hours a day on lunch room duty because we have to have social distancing. I spend very little time at all on academics this year which is heartbreaking.  I am a firm believer in every cloud has a silver lining though. I have met a group of school employees that I don't normally get to see. I even broke down all barriers when for the first time a "non cafeteria" worker was asked to help out in the kitchen. We now send home meals for every single day that kids are not in school.  Our cafeteria staff was overwhelmed trying to serve kids in person and creating hundreds of meals to go home with them as well.

One sweet woman and I bonded over my love of cooking.  She shared recipes with me and brought me a magazine with some things she wanted me to read. I wanted to thank her so I made her a bookmark since I know she loves to read.

Sorry for the long post...I love my job, even this year, and I LOVE my co-worker friends!!

I used a
couple Art Impressions sets on my bookmark.
