Showing posts with label Howl-oween Set 4785. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Howl-oween Set 4785. Show all posts

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Yappy Howl-oween! Time to dress up the dog!

Hello Ai fans!

Today I'm sharing two Halloween cards that I made using 

We're huge dog lovers in our house but I must say...we don't dress them up.  They're both very large dogs and would have NOTHING to do with that sort of thing.  The closest we've come is putting a deer antler headband on for a quick picture or the occasional bandanna.

My second card is going to a friend who bailed me out of a jam last weekend.
For about the last 8 years my kids and I have gone to a Halloween park called Reaper's Revenge with another family. We went this year too only to find out that they are now a cash only business!!  Hello??  Who carries that much cash anymore?? (It's rather expensive to attend)  My daughter's best friend's dad floated us a loan. Otherwise we would have driven an hour and half for nothing!

They have two adorable little dogs...and one of them gets dressed up on occasion so I'm sending this card along with the check for the money I owe him!
I think they'll get a kick out of it.  And, next year I'll plan ahead!

Copics used:
T3, C00, R83, Y15, RV52,
YR16, YR21, E33,E35,E43

Monday, October 31, 2016

Yappy Howl-oween!

Hello Ai fans!!

I just wanted to say Happy Halloween and share one last card with you.  This one features the super cute Pug from Art Impressions 4785 – Howl-oween Set

I made this card for my friend Jenn.  She has the cutest Puggle. (1/2 Pug/1/2 Beagle)  She love to dress him up and I knew she'd enjoy this card.

This is Toga.  He's not angry...he always looks like this!
Ha ha!  He's a really sweet guy!

Here's to you Toga, for being such a good sport every time Mommy dresses you up!

Here's the inside.

Copics used: 
COO, CO, C3, YR14, YR27, E31, E35, E42, YR15

78 Orchid

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Yappy Howl-O-Ween!

Hello Ai fans!
Art Impressions hit one out of the park with their new Halloween releases this year!

Today I'm sharing 4785 – Howl-oween Set

As an animal lover, especially dogs I was THRILLED when I saw this new set.  I see many, many more cards with these sweet guys in my future!

I love how disgusted he looks to be dressed up.  I'm sure there are many dogs out there that feel this way.  And yet, they're so cute!

I used one of the other images on the inside.

C0, C3, E30, E31, E33, Y00, Y15, Y35, Y38, Y11, YG61

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Happy Howl-oween from Kitty!

Hello Ai fans!

Today I'm sharing a card that just cracks me up!!  I'm not one to dress up my pets but I do have friends who do and I love seeing their photos.  How many cats do you think are going to have this look on their face this Halloween?!

I love his little angry eyes.  Yes,  I am choosing to think that it's a poor male cat that some owner dressed up in this little outfit.

I used one of the other verses on the inside of the card.

Copics used: C0, C3, R00
