Hello and happy Wednesday!
Today I'm sharing a card that I made for the wife of one of my husband's co-workers. She is battling an illness and has requested no "get well" cards. Her husband said it was okay to send other type cards so this is what I created for her.
I know she (like me) is an absolute animal lover, especially dogs. They have rescue dogs just like us.
I recently treated myself to some new Spellbinders dies. I bought the 4 new speech bubble dies. I know I'll get tons of use out of them.
Look how cute they are!
This is the inside...no get well here. Just a simple thinking of you!

Okay, now it's "soapbox time." As I said, both of my fur babies are rescue dogs. You've heard the phrase "one man's trash is another man's treasure"? Well that's how I look at it. Both my lovies were found wandering the streets in Kentucky. My Boomer was extremely malnourished and had some torn dew claws. He required a few months of fostering to be brought up to a healthy weight so he could be adopted out. My Hannah is a far sadder story. She was picked up as a pup. (they think she was a mere few months old.) She had parvo, Lyme disease, another tick borne disease I can't remember the name of, a bum back leg, she was missing large patches of fur, had a ruptured ear drum and had been shot with BB's. *yes, this is all true* She spent six months in foster care being rehabilitated before she could be offered for adoption. She then spent a few more months in foster waiting for a forever home...until we saw her. She was about a year old when we brought her home. I'm happy to say that she's now Lyme free, Parvo free, all her fur has grown back except for a small part on her hip. Good news it's covered by some longer fur so she literally has a "doggie comb over." She still has one BB by her eye that if she's ever put under for anything we'll have them remove but since it doesn't bother her we're leaving it alone for now. Her bum leg does bother her from time to time but she runs like a thoroughbred racehorse most of the time. My babies are the best of friends with each other and the very BEST companions I could ask for! I encourage you all, if you're considering adding a pet to your home to think rescue. Let's put those puppy mills out of business!
Boomer (with the spots) and Hannah
(Dominick (my "little" man) and Makena...(my little girlie who is the photographer and the dogs' best friend)
Oh, and yes...I'm well aware I've gone WAY overboard with the sharing here. It's just that these two (four) furry "little" creatures mean so much to me.
True love
I call this one "Ruff Life". It doesn't begin to make up for what they went through but it's a start.
Love these two! Can't you just hear their thoughts..."hey Ma! How about another pupscicle!" In case you're interested...pupscicles are little treats I make for them. I take little meat scraps and any extra broth/fat type things I have lying around the kitchen and I freeze them in ice cube trays. They love these little treats! Not that they're opposed to a plain old ice cube. Year 'round one of their favorite treats is just a simple ice cube.
It baffles me to know that some people abuse and neglect living creatures that bring this sort of joy to your life! (and look how in love they are)