Well, I don't have anything exciting to share with you...just pictures from last year that I liked...Thrifting treasures and handmade goodness. I am dealing with a double ear infection/sinus infection and it is rainy and mushy here even if I did want to take some photos.

We had a quiet New Year, just as we like it. I really enjoyed this holiday season and have much to be greatful for this last year.

I really love having you stop by and leave comments...it makes my day. I love this little blogging world of ours, such nice people and the creativity is astounding. I am always inspired!

So here is to a wonderful 2011! For all of us! I have learned that there are always obstacles in life, they are not always fun but if we do it with grace and we come out using the knowledge we learned for good, it makes for a better person in the end!

Happy, Happy to all my bloggy friends! I will be back when I am feeling a little better and have something fun to share! karen.....