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Showing posts with label *snacks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label *snacks. Show all posts

Thursday, January 29, 2009

guest recipe: white bean hummus

Guest Blogger: ChefBliss.comI love hummus, but not always the Garbanzo bean kind. I'm kind of picky that way. This past summer, at our local farmers market, one of the stands had a catering company and they were sampling white bean hummus. They were not selling it, and they don't have a web site or a recipe. So I have been making white bean hummus ever since. And it's different every time.

So this time I put 1 can of white beans into the food processor. Added in some freshly ground black pepper and a little salt. To that I added some dried cilantro, a really healthy chunk of diced garlic and, because K is convinced everything can be hotter or spicier, a spoon of fresh pure horseradish. K was not quite satisfied with the level of heat, so I added some red cayenne pepper.

We "enjoyed" it with vegetable tortilla chips from Trader Joe's, one of our favorites. I will tell you right now that I will probably not combine garlic and horseradish again. K liked it but I don't think it combined well, and to be honest, when he's hungry he will eat pretty much anything. But he has a tell, when it's not something he loves I always know! Next time I will try just horseradish because it added an interesting flavor, and because we always use garlic.


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