En la web de saboores están haciendo un concurso de verduras de temporada http://www.saboores.com/ y como son aragoneses no he resistido la tentación de participar con una receta muy sencilla como piden en sus bases, es tan facil que apenas te llevara 10 minutos en hacerla.
4 kiwis
250 gramos fresasSal
Vinagre de ModenaLavar bien la escarola y escurrirla, mientras pelar y partir en trocitos los kiwis y las fresas
Poner todo en un bol y aliña a vuestro gusto, el vinagre de modena le irá mejor que el normal
Es una ensalada sencilla, vistosa y con un bonito contraste de sabores entre el amargor de la escarola y lo dulce de las fresas y el kiwi
I remember to have spent years ago a Christmas Eve in the Spanish Pyrinees, the owner of the small country hotel where we were lodged made a wonderful dinner for that night, it was roasted lamb in the wooden oven and to accompany escarole she only added a bit of garlic and olive oil to this salad. It was a simple but effective dinner, the lamb was so tender and the escarole made that the flavours were superb.
In the web of Saboores they are doing a cooking contest with vegetables http://www.saboores.com/ and as they are from that part of Spain i couldn´t resist the temptation to make a very simple recipe, it takes you only 10 minutes or less to do it.
Ingredients for 4 persons
1 escarole
4 kiwis
250 grames strawberries
Olive oil
Modena vinegar
Wash and drain the escarola, peel and cut in slices the kiwis and strawberries.
Place all ingredients in a bol and dress as you preferIt is a very simple salad, with a nice colours and the flavour contrast between the bitterness of the escarole and the sweetness of the fruit