Showing posts with label zeb. Show all posts
Showing posts with label zeb. Show all posts

zeb turns two

Our littlest guy had a birthday this past weekend and we hosted a small family breakfast to celebrate. I didn't take many pictures but it was such a blessing to be together to mark the special occasion - and by the way, can you remind me again how it's even possible that my baby is two years old? Gah!

Everyone pitched in and brought food and treats - like seriously an amazing spread I wish I had taken a photo. Cinnamon rolls, candied bacon, breakfast burritos, fruit, donuts, pastries, cake, it was incredible! And instead of presents we requested donations for a plastic indoor slide because Zeb really loves slides. After Dad did some heavy research though an indoor slide turned into a plastic roller coaster, a bit extravagant even for a Craigslist find but oh my gosh so much fun! It was a huge hit with the kids - I posted a silly video via Instagram (here) of Zeb's inaugural ride...he was a little timid at first but has gotten the hang of it and we can't keep him off of the thing!

So a little confession while we are on the topic of plastic roller coasters. Yesterday while the older boys were at school and Zeb was napping, Josie and I were out in the yard. The constant temptation got the better of me and I had to experience the coaster for myself. My buns barely fit in the tiny green car but I squeeze and as I was sailing down the slope I totally thought it was going to be incredible until I hit a huge divot at the bottom and was catapult into the middle of the yard landing on my face, getting grass burns on my knees and elbows and seriously bruised my tailbone. I was dying in a fit of laughter and pain and look up to find my three year old daughter absolutely mortified just starring at her grown mother after an epic fail! So in case you are ever curious if these hold adults let me spare you the's not worth it...or set up a video camera first because I totally wished I gotten that on video, ha!

Oh little Zebbie how we love you so. Your incredible, bright spirit and awesome vocabulary keeps us laughing all day long. What a huge gift and blessing you have been to this family since the day you were born, all five and a half pounds of you! May this next year be even more fun and full of adventures and dancing and music and trucks and slides. We are thanking God for putting you in our family bud - you make each day so much brighter!

(ps. the backwards shoes in these last two :))
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