Showing posts with label reviews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reviews. Show all posts

Review with Firmoo Glasses

Over the holidays Firmoo sent me a pair of glasses and asked me if I would share my thoughts about them with you guys. I don't do reviews all that often and am always super hesitant ordering things like glasses because I like to try them on before I make a commitment, but I agreed because they had some cute choices on their site.

I have to say they came and I was very pleased with them - the prescription is great and they are really nice quality! I also made an error when placing my order and their customer service was so kind and fixed it without any issues. I definitely could see myself ordering from Firmoo again because the prices are great for the quality, I could upload a photo to see what they would look like and the website was super easy to use - thank you so much Firmoo, I am so grateful for my new specs! Check out Firmoo HERE - looks like they have a 20% off code right now too!


On occasion as a blogger I get to review products and have the incredible chance to write articles for other websites. A few months ago I was given the opportunity to do a review for a new site called, Eyeist over on I had never heard of Eyeist before but after my thirty minute interactive session with the founder, Allegra Wilde I was blown away. Did you know that if you are a budding  photographer you can have your work reviewed and critiqued by top players in the world of photography? I had no clue...I loved the process and came away with this thirty image portfolio and an armload of ideas on how to improve my work. I wanted to share this one with you guys because it was just that good! You can read my full experience over on (here)! 

I know many of you are photographers - what are things that you have done to improve your skill and eye for capturing beauty, would you ever consider getting an online review of your work?

Back to School with JCPenney

I just have to stop for a second to marvel at these two boys right here - how in the heck am I so lucky to be their Mom? And how did they get to be so grown up? It feels like just yesterday that they looked like this...making me all crazy and tired and afraid that I was going to mess them up or something. 

Levi is entering Kindergarten this year and Simon will be a big second grader. I have had such deep nerves about sending my second born into school even just starting with a half day program. He is wildly shy and introspective (like his Mama) and I am anxious for him and also excited as he makes the transition. But when I look at the photos of these two absolutely beautiful goofballs inside and out I know that it's gonna be all right. These two have mad love for each other - what a gift that they will be in school together (I am totally crying right now as I write this just so you know...blubbering actually).

As the first day approaches I have been thinking about back to school shopping and supplies and such and was so incredibly honored when JCPenney approached me about collaborating on a first day look for each of the boys. We are so very blessed but funds are always always tight in our home and a provision of new clothes and shoes for the boys was an incredible gift to our family! JCP sent us gift cards and these two got to do a little shopping spree at the mall!

We hadn't been shopping in ages for clothes for the boys and so I was super surprised and pleased at the selections we found at JCP. And almost everything we got was on sale. This entire stack of shirts, some long sleeve some short, none of them were more than ten bucks! Each of the boys picked out a pair of jeans too, my red lover got his dream of a pair of red Arizona jeans and Simon went classic. We also bought them each a new hoodie and a new pair of shoes and socks and all of this was just over $200. A great value to get us set for back to school. When we were checking out they also gave us fun pencil bags filled with tapes and stickers and goodies!

After dinner the other night the boys decided they wanted to do a little impromptu fashion show of their first day looks so they both styled their own clothes and Simon even went into the bathroom for a bit to get his hair just right. Chris and I were cracking up at him! We snapped a few photos in the evening light. It was such fun moments for me with them Levi especially shocked me at how excited and into it he was. I don't think he is as nervous as I am for the first day I know he is ready - it just goes so fast this process of growing up (blubbering again :)). A very very special thank you to JCPenney for helping us get ready for back to school. Seriously JCP did send us gift cards to go shopping but I am allowed to give my honest feedback and opinion and would definitely recommend checking out some of their adorable stuff as you get ready for school - we found high quality for a great price!!

OK deep breath Mama...I can see that high school is going to come way too fast!

A Pretzel Party With Auntie Anne's


Auntie Anne's is celebrating their 25th birthday this year and so in honor of their big day and their brand new Honey Whole Grain pretzels they sent us a super fun pretzel party pack full of streamers, twisty straws, stickers, the game twister and a fun play list of music to keep the party pumping. We decided to share our pretzel loot with Jenny and her crew a few nights ago and had a fun time getting our pretzel on...we also watched the finale of Biggest Loser (yay Danni!)...all in all we had a great time. My favorite part was probably the moment after I picked up the pretzels at the mall, got into our van where Chris and the kids were anxiously waiting and immediately devoured a Honey Whole Grain hot from the oven. So good and so reminiscent of my first job working at a toy store in the mall!

Thanks Auntie Anne's for the sweet gift...and guess what they sent along party favors. The first five commenter's get four free pretzels c/o Auntie Anne's so you can get your pretzel on too, just leave your email address in the comment so I can get in touch!

Elevate the Everyday and a Ten on Ten reminder

You guys know how much I love the idea of finding beauty in the ordinary. Like many of you after having kids the theme of the mundane life being chock full of blessings became a life line for me. A way to get through my days with a grateful heart even when I was (I am) so weary to the bone.

I started the Ten on Ten project with that concept in mind, looking for those little moments to be thankful for - to elevate into a space of worship for my God who has blessed me with this life crazy beautiful life.

I was recently introduced to Tracey Clark she is a long time lifestyle photographer and the author of the book Elevate the Everyday, a photographic guide to picturing motherhood. I instantly felt a connection with her heart. She writes the most beautiful blog and is the founder of the Shutter Sisters and she subscribes to that same vision of seeking beauty in the mundane.

Honestly when I received her book I was truly overwhelmed by it's beauty. I am asked to review books pretty frequently but it is a rare moment when one sweeps me off my feet like this. I have curled up a few times with it enjoying the photos, the little tips and camera tricks and ideas on how to capture motherhood. the stories and blog type entries scattered throughout. It is a really wonderful book, I mean that from the bottom of my heart!

I love this community I have found online of friends who subscribe to this same vision - I am continually inspired and challenged by it and blessed to know that so many of you are spending your days in the trenches of motherhood looking for the sweet gifts all around. I definitely recommend checking out Tracey's book and blog - such a wonderful resource and encouragement!

And don't forget to charge your camera batteries this weekend for Monday's installment of the Ten on Ten project. Lots of beautiful mundane to capture I am so hopeful you will join me in finding it!

Happy Friday everyone!

Organizing the kids clothes with ThredUP

So I know you guys know this above scene...especially if you have multiple kids wearing multiple sizes. Each time the weather shift or they go through a growth spurt or you have a new baby one of them grows out of a size and it's time to clear out the drawers, again!

I can barely keep up with my laundry let alone keeping the sizes sorted. And not to mention it gets super expensive buying these little ones new clothes only to turn around and find that they have outgrown them!

So I was super excited when I heard from Carly about an awesome company with an amazing concept called ThredUP to help busy Moms handle this painful process and re-sell their gently worn items as well as restock their kids closets at really low prices, my ears perked up!

Here's the details: ThredUP will help you clean out your kids closets by sending you a big green bag to fill up. It fits around 15lbs of gently worn clothes that you then ship back to them. They do all of the work to resell it in their online shop and will then pay you a portion of the profits to either cash out or use to purchase new items!

Sounds easy enough! They also sent along a few cute things for Josie and I was pleasantly surprised and thrilled at the quality in the gently used clothes we received. Nothing ripped or stained, they truly sort through and find the best quality! I am currently in the process of filling up my bag to send off for resale - find out more about this awesome company HERE!

blue dress c/o ThredUP
I just love discovering amazing companies like this, thanks ThredUP we are huge fans!!

ps. free shipping on your first order right now through the month and they just added a bunch of fun boy items too!

big bro + big bro + big sis + little bro

About a year and a half ago when my daughter was born some close friends of ours gifted the kids with adorable big bro/little sis shirts to wear with pride. I can not tell you how well loved those shirts have been. My boys lamented the day when Josies onesie was just too small to squeeze on her. I am telling you they LOVE those shirts. 

So when I was eagerly anticipating the arrival of baby #4 I did some hunting around on etsy and found the amazing woman behind my kids beloved shirts. Fly Duds is the cutest little shop with the cutest products for kids. There is just something about the kids sporting a shirt with their name on it that makes them light up!

I emailed Christie and told her about how fond my children were of her shirts and she generously offered to make them each a new one as a fun surprise. 

Zeb clearly hasn't gotten the clue that his shirt is super cool yet he was pretty grumpy when I took these photos. :)

I honestly can not speak highly enough about Christie's work. The quality is amazing and they are truly a huge crowd pleaser for my four. Clearly, these would be great gifts to any little one expecting a new baby brother or sister!

Thank you to Fly Duds for making my kiddos eyes sparkle it was such a fun treat to present them with after bringing little Zeb home! Check out the Fly Duds shop HERE!

I know I have not been around here too often lately I have been choosing to sleep when I can instead of updating the blog. But you have my word next week I will have a craft and a giveaway and my ten on ten favorites to share with you. Happy Friday everyone! xoxo

the no brainer wardrobe

Wouldn't that be awesome - a no brainer wardrobe. Ugh sometimes I feel like I am in an argument with my closet and the yoga pants usually win. It's gotten pretty ugly for me to be honest. There was that brief moment in time right after baby #2 that I asked my little sister for some advice on what to wear after the guy in the Nordstrom shoe department brought out a pair of hideous loafer man shoes for me to try on because they reminded him of me. ahem. I was 28.

But let's just say being pregnant with #4 isn't really helping me feel super hot and stylish at the moment. So when the most adorable women ever emailed me about her brand new ebook - The No Brainer Wardrobe my ears perked up. This my friends is exciting!

I was so thrilled to get my hands on a copy of Haley's new book. Not only because I know she has impeccable style - (HERE is proof!) but she has the most charming and wonderful way of writing. Very straight forward and so easy to follow. I read the whole thing in it's entirety and already feel super inspired to not only put together some really great inspiration boards but also purge my closet and get to work on making my clothes work for me. There are plenty of great action items to go along with some top notch advice!

Hayley did not leave anything out either. There are sections on discerning your style, how to build a go-to outfit, taking your inspiration to the thrift store (a personal favorite section!) and shopping maternity too and so much more! This book was so helpful and truly has encouraged me to shop my own closet and figure out what I really love and get rid of the rest so that when I get up in the morning and spend my 2.5 minutes of time getting ready those yoga pants aren't the only things calling my name...(although if you know me in real life and see me in the yoga's maybe don't mention it :))

So I know your dying to know where to get a copy too - guess what the first 15 of you who go HERE and purchase the book will get %50 off the already super steal price of $7.99 by using the code SUNSHINE...I know your going to love it!

Thanks Hayley for helping a girl out! Hayley is so awesome check out her blog, the Tiny Twig, her book The No Brainer Wardrobe, and follow her on Twitter @thetinytwig.

have you tried these?

 Mr. Gough is not a big fan of coconut but I myself love it, so these I had to try!
 They even have have palm trees and beach umbrellas on them...I say they are like a chocolaty tropical vacation in my mouth.
Now if only they would add bright pink to the mix - then they would be Miami M&M's - ha! If you like coconut watch out these are addicting, yum!

modern little ones

I came home this afternoon to the sweetest little package in my mailbox. My friend Catherine made Josie an adorable stroller blanket in green and orange with the softest polka dot chenille back. I absolutely love it! 
Catherine is the owner and designer behind the label Modern Little Ones, a shop with all kinds of adorable things for baby's and little's..some really great stuff here folks. She is a busy Mom of twin girls and a self taught sewer who openly admits to having fallen in love with fabric in the past few years which has lead her to start her own business making wonderful things out of gorgeous fabrics. The quality really stands out and her prices are fabulous too! 
I have had my eye on a few things in her shop for awhile now and am so excited to finally get my hands on one of her pieces. I thought it would be worth a mention here knowing that many of us are often on the lookout for great baby shower gifts and it is always much more fun to support handmade artist and to give something a little unique and original. Seriously I can not speak highly enough about Catherine and her products - if you are looking for something extra special for a little someone in your life please check out her shop you will not be disappointed!

and here's a little picture I took with my funny man Simon the other day...I asked him to smile for me and this is what I got..he is getting so big it just kills me.
Happy Thursday everyone, muster up a little smile tomorrow is Friday!!

Orange Thyme

first I would like to preface this post by saying that I am not the kind of girl who likes to hand out makeup advice. ever. there is a back story and most friends who have known me long enough know that I am pretty much clueless when it comes to the makeup department. I usually use a bit of under eye concealer (a must with a new baby and sleepless nights) some brown mascara and maybe a clear gloss.

so that is why this post is kind of a big deal to me. because I am going to tell you about an amazing lip stain I purchased a few weeks ago and I love it so much that I feel the need to tell someone. Orange Thyme - a featured Etsy seller this past summer in fact, has a ton of amazing vegan beauty products with incredible prices. I couldn't help myself but order something to make me feel a little special in my yoga pants and all I can say is - wow! I am in love with the lip stains. I ordered the blackberry and the cherry and they are both such perfect colors. The texture of these are super soft and smooth. the perfect hint of color almost like you just ate a handful of fresh berries or a cherry popsicle! A very subtle berry scent and long lasting to boot. and these babies have all of four ingredients!!

I am hooked and will be ordering more and can't wait to try out some of the other yummy looking products in the line! now if only I could get some of my other beauty rituals worked out. I am horrible about taking care of my skin and really would love to find a few more fun products to spice up my dull makeup bag. If you have any suggestions please do share!!
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