Showing posts with label portraits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label portraits. Show all posts

project weekend

We spent the weekend working on lots of little things that will hopefully add up to some bright new spaces in the next few months…it felt good to get some projects started and a few things ticked off the list. Looking forward to the week at hand - hope you had a wonderful weekend friends, happy Monday!!

loving the sunshine

there's just something about some good old vitamin D - hoping we get some more sunshine this weekend…happy friday!

36/52 & 37/52

Just getting caught up a bit here with my weekly portraits I started really falling behind yikes! I so love this project I really really do...reminds that I am so blessed every single week!


A few snippets from our time at the watermark last week - such fun was had by all. Thankful for our little week away with family, I am enjoying sorting through the captured moments and memories we made together!
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