Showing posts with label birthdays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birthdays. Show all posts

zeb turns two

Our littlest guy had a birthday this past weekend and we hosted a small family breakfast to celebrate. I didn't take many pictures but it was such a blessing to be together to mark the special occasion - and by the way, can you remind me again how it's even possible that my baby is two years old? Gah!

Everyone pitched in and brought food and treats - like seriously an amazing spread I wish I had taken a photo. Cinnamon rolls, candied bacon, breakfast burritos, fruit, donuts, pastries, cake, it was incredible! And instead of presents we requested donations for a plastic indoor slide because Zeb really loves slides. After Dad did some heavy research though an indoor slide turned into a plastic roller coaster, a bit extravagant even for a Craigslist find but oh my gosh so much fun! It was a huge hit with the kids - I posted a silly video via Instagram (here) of Zeb's inaugural ride...he was a little timid at first but has gotten the hang of it and we can't keep him off of the thing!

So a little confession while we are on the topic of plastic roller coasters. Yesterday while the older boys were at school and Zeb was napping, Josie and I were out in the yard. The constant temptation got the better of me and I had to experience the coaster for myself. My buns barely fit in the tiny green car but I squeeze and as I was sailing down the slope I totally thought it was going to be incredible until I hit a huge divot at the bottom and was catapult into the middle of the yard landing on my face, getting grass burns on my knees and elbows and seriously bruised my tailbone. I was dying in a fit of laughter and pain and look up to find my three year old daughter absolutely mortified just starring at her grown mother after an epic fail! So in case you are ever curious if these hold adults let me spare you the's not worth it...or set up a video camera first because I totally wished I gotten that on video, ha!

Oh little Zebbie how we love you so. Your incredible, bright spirit and awesome vocabulary keeps us laughing all day long. What a huge gift and blessing you have been to this family since the day you were born, all five and a half pounds of you! May this next year be even more fun and full of adventures and dancing and music and trucks and slides. We are thanking God for putting you in our family bud - you make each day so much brighter!

(ps. the backwards shoes in these last two :))

Happy birthday Simon

(Simon 9 months)

To my sweet Simon Hayes on your seventh birthday - how can it be? Time has flown by so quickly for me. I still see those big baby blues whenever I look into your eyes and that beautiful smile that always lights up the room! You made me a mama exactly seven years ago on one of the most glorious nights of my life. I will never forget that first tiny cry, the shouts of joy, the laughter the praises that sang out when you entered this world and I have loved you more and more each day ever since. I am so proud of the boy that you are becoming and so honored that God chose me to be your mama - it humbles me to think that He would give you to me to teach me so much about His love and grace. You kissed me on the forehead tonight before bed and snuggled in close so grown up already but yet still so small. I want you to know that you're the biggest gift I could ever ask for more perfect to me than anything in the whole world. You have the most beautiful heart and tender spirit and I can't wait to see what this next year holds!

Happy birthday my darling I love you bigger than all the stars!


A Charlie Brown Birthday

Our little Zeb has such a funny laid back way about him and he sometimes reminds of Charlie Brown. We thought it would be perfect to do a few Peanuts themed decorations for his first birthday party and because we are already planning to paint our yellow dining room we added the classic sloppy chevron across one wall to be cheeky. I thought it added such a fun bold touch. The weather was gorgeous and it was a small gathering of mostly family and a few good ol' friends...the perfect way to celebrate our one year old! Oh little Zebi Brown how are you already sooo big??

Happy 1st Birthday Zeb!

( a belated post for my sweet Zeb who turned one on May 3rd. Pictures from his birthday breakfast!)

Dear Zeb,

I can hardly believe that it is already time to write you your very first birthday letter. It's bittersweet for me - you are going to be my last baby and to be honest it's all just gone by way too fast. In so many ways you were our BIG surprise package. I still scratch my head at the timing, all that we had endured the months leading up to finding out about you. The job loss, the houses lost, the cars and school and church and community we lost...I was very sick and weary and was still caring for a young baby. Yes you were a surprise indeed, or rather a gift just as your name means. Zeb: "a gift of Jehovah, dwelling of honor". God gave you to me Zeb during a season that felt so deeply painful and barren. A time in so many ways that my heart is still recovering from. But instead of forgetting us He placed you in my arms and reminded me that sometimes blessings are not the things that make life easy or comfortable but the things that bring us love.

Zeb you are truly one of the sweetest babies ever. Your disposition is hilarious, you are an observer of life (mainly three older siblings :)) and have a very quiet gently way. You laugh so easily too it is awesome. All your brothers and sister have to do is give you a look and you're a fit of giggles making us delight in the joy inside of you!

On the eve of your first birthday you were crying yourself to sleep (for the record Josie kept stealing your binky and turning on and off the light in your room :)) but instead of letting you settle yourself I went in and picked you up and carried you downstairs to the rocker by the fire. I sat with you snuggled in my arms and melted into a sea of tears. Rocking my last baby on his last night before turning one. I never ever knew how much I wanted you or how very much we needed you to complete our big family of six. I am so very grateful for all the love and joy you have brought into our home.

I love you Zeb more than you will ever know - I love getting to know you more and more everyday. At your birthday party when we sang to you I loved watching you look around the room and take in everyone there, everyone smiling and celebrating you. You drink in life so intentionally, I already learn so much from you buddy and I can not wait to see what this next year holds!


Happy birthday Levi!

My sweet second born you are five today, FIVE!! There are times that I find myself in such awe and wonder at the boy you are becoming. You are my little artist in every sense of the word, full of deep creativity and passion. I often find you lost in creating, singing to yourself in your own little world. I see myself in you more than any of your siblings - a deeply shy and sensitive soul, sometimes misunderstood, quiet and funny and comfortable around people you know well.

Today you must have spent six hours sitting and sketching, I found piles of paper all over the house. Except for the special lunch out with Grandma and your wish for more tracing paper that she granted on the way home you were lost in thought, drawing away. You looked up at one point and said "Mom, tracing paper is just so, handy!"

Levi I think about the past five years and how our family has changed and grown. I am so proud of the ways that you have stepped into being a big brother so tender and sensitive, you love your siblings more than anything in the world and it is such a gift to behold!

I adore you bud, your tender heart and eager joy. Your name means "joined in harmony" and I have always felt that fit you perfectly. You are the sweetness that adds beauty and harmony to this family. I am so very honored to be your Mom and can not wait to see you continue to grow into the man God has made you. I love you Levi to the moon and back. Happy birthday sweetheart! Love, Mom

Happy Birthday Josie


And just like that I blink my eyes and you are two years old already.

I spent the early morning with our four guys, setting the table, making breakfast sneaking out for balloons and donuts (Simon insisted on spending his own money to buy you your favorite maple bar) and then we tip toed up to your room to surprise you. You surprise us by being in your birthday suit, your pj's and diaper were on the floor!

You cracked us up by squealing with glee to see us all singing our hearts out for you and you could not wait to get up and celebrate. You whispered to me as we were heading to breakfast, my happy birthday is downstairs.

Your luminous joy and sense of humor are the most amazing addition to this house full of brothers. You do not miss a beat and hate to be left out, and lets be frank you have them all wrapped around your little finger better than I ever will. We are all head over heels for you little lady. Your insane verbal skills and silly toothy grin. The way you try to look over your shoulder and play coy to get a smile. The songs you sing and the sweet hugs and kisses and giggles you share.


You are and always will be one of the greatest gifts I have ever known. You are my girl, my sunbeam, my heart. Love you little JoJo, forever and ever and ever. Happy birthday Jolene Joan-Claire!

grey friday

The cool, grey weather has finally returned to us here in the PNW. It was one of the most gorgeous late summer/early falls that I can remember though and so I think we are all trying to embrace the change with thankful hearts. We broke out some warmer clothes this morning and my little grey eyed baby girl put on her raincoat as we headed out the door. I remember receiving this cute pink pony jacket at my baby shower for her and got a bit misty eyed when I realized that it now fits two years later.

We are hoping to get a ton done this weekend and visit a pumpkin patch too. I might have to squeeze in some crafting time if I can find a little pocket here or there I am craving it and have not been able do much since baby Zeb arrived...parenting these four is haaaaaard work, I am not going to lie. I am thankful that I get to be their Mom a few more hours of sleep would be nice too but one of these years I am sure I will feel more rested!

This little lady turns two, TWO on Monday! She said to me this week "mama my birfday is comin up" I asked her if she would like a cupcake or a donut to celebrate with her candles. She thought for a second and then replied "I wanna coke"

oh brother, they crack me up.

Happy Friday!

make something monday :: a happy birthday banner

Last year I put together this happy birthday banner for my sons fifth birthday party. It's bright and cheerful and over the past many months it has been fun to pull out each time someone else has a birthday to celebrate. Over the weekend we had Simon's sixth and it made another appearance at the party this time draped across our cheerful mantle. I thought I would share my process in making it with you today in case you were in the mood to make one too!


letters printed and cut out as a template in whichever size and font you desire (I used Oaklahoma)
fabric scraps for each letter
sewing machine
fusible webbing such as wonder under
pom pom trim or ribbon to attach the letters for hanging

First choose a bunch of fun fabrics for each letter and then iron fusible webbing onto the backs of the small scraps. Once your letters are cut out trace around each one FLIPPED THE WRONG WAY this is important so that your letters are facing the right way on the front. I made this mistake myself and it was frustrating.

Then cut each letter out of the fabric and fusible webbing. Peel off the paper and iron all of the letters onto a piece or pieces of felt.

Then cut the letters apart to make it easier to stitch around each one.

Once I stitched around each one I cut them out again leaving a tiny border of felt so that they all coordinate really well.

I attached the letters to pom pom trim and it was ready to hang!

A happy little banner to use for years to come!

Happy Monday I hope you have a wonderful week whatever your celebrating!
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