Showing posts with label Featured Member. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Featured Member. Show all posts

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Featured Member: Joliejye

1. What is your shop name?
My shop on Etsy is called JolieJye, my brand is Jye.

2. How did you first get started in your craft?
I've started crafting since I was young, I am a self-taught artist and I always enjoyed giving a second life to vintage, or creating with inspiration from the past.

3. What inspires you?
I love the pin-ups and feminine atmosphere, especially vintage fabrics like silk or lace. I am also a big fan of the Japanese vintage fabrics, which were used for kimonos. For the moment I’m in the mood for making origami barrettes, brooches, and earrings with silk.


4. What are your favorite color combinations?
My favorite color combination is light pink and ivory white.

5. What is your favorite item from your shop?
It's hard to choose since every creation from my shop is unique and fully hand-made by me. These are like my babies!
I can choose my light pink and white silk headband, because of the knot, because of the silk, and the color combination.

6. If you had to use three words to describe yourself, what would it be?
Unique, romantic, dreaming.

7. What superpower would you most like to have?
I've never thought about that. I would love to be very strong to protect people I love.

8. What is the first thing you remember creating?
Some dresses for my dolls.

9. If you could choose any era/decade to live in, when would that be? Why?
I love the technology of our century, but I hate people's selfishness. Maybe the beginning of the 1900's would fit to me but I dislike the way women were handled. It's only now that we can pretend to live as equal as men. It's a shame!

10. Where can we find you? (website, blog, etc.)
My etsy shop is here :
I have also a shop on a French website :
My blog (about my two passions : cooking and fashion) is :

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Featured Member: 3dDoodles

1. What is your shop name? 3Ddoodles

2. How did you first get started in your craft?

I started making my own jewelry off and on during the 1980s as a general response to finding things that I liked but that didn't fit.

3. What inspires you?
I draw inspiration from a lot of sources, Art Deco type forms, Celtic lettering,
Natural forms, and to a certain extent the materials themselves. I tell folks that the materials speak to me, and when I find the grouping that feels right, I go ahead and make the piece. Of course, when I'm wrong, I re-work the piece until I'm satisfied.

4. What are your favorite color combinations?
Teal and aqua blues paired with gold or silver
Sky blues paired with white
Reds paired with gold and/or black
Greens paired with gold or black
black paired with gold, greay or silver.

5. What is your favorite item from your shop?
Wow, that 's not easy as i have a lot of favorites. but here's a link to one

6. If you had to use three words to describe yourself, what would it be?
Kind, fair, perfectionist

7. What superpower would you most like to have?
I'd love to be able to change shape into any animal. Flying would be so great.

8. What is the first thing you remember creating?
That would have to be the alligator from a stick found on the playground, when I was in 4th grade. Given that I was doing this during an after-school detention, neither the teacher nor my classmates were too happy with the effort.

9. If you could choose any era/decade to live in, when would that be? Why?
I think the Roaring 20's would be a prime time for me to live in. Art Deco was the rage, there was a lot of flash and it was OK to smoke and drink and dance.

10. Where can we find you? (website, blog, etc.)
I'm here on Etsy and on Artfire and Facebook. I'm not real comfortable with blogging; I'd rather create in my limited time.


As I need at least 24 more likes on my Facebook page, I'm giving away a pair of earrings in a drawing when I reach the magic number. 

Featured Member: Craftymamacita

1. What is your shop name? Craftymamacita

2. How did you first get started in your craft? 
Early on in our marriage, my dear husband took me to Hancock Fabrics for my birthday, where we saw a demonstration of sewing machines. I bought my first Singer and I still use it to this day. I made a quilt for our bed and then I moved on to girls' dresses when I had our first foster daughter. I picked a pattern that was too complicated, with lots of ruffles and interfacing and quickly gave up. Then I took a sewing class which gave me the confidence and knowledge to keep going and I finished the dress I had started years ago and made several more for my daughter. She is what really motivated me to sew more. First off, she has always been very active so I had to give up my knitting for a more toddler-proof activity. Also, she is Guatemalan-American and I had a hard time finding clothes in the store that fit her unique shape, so I started making my own clothes for her and I love how well they fit her. Right now, I am specializing in retro mother-daughter apron sets and hair accessories such as flower fabrics. I had read in a book about how women in the 1940's used leftover pieces of fabric and fabric from flour bags to make things. That in turn inspired me to use my own leftover fabric to make fabric flower hair clips and headbands. I even made a fabric flower from a tortilla flour bag once.

3. What inspires you?
I grew up in San Antonio, TX and used to visit the Rockefeller Museum of Latin American Art a lot. I was very inspired by the folk paintings I found there, and thus grew my love of old-fashioned indigenous outfits. I spent two months in Seville, Spain and was also inspired by Flamenco clothing styles, which often are very similar to 1950's American style with their love of polka dots and ruffles. I also like modest clothing, because I find them so beautiful, elegant and sort of romantic. I really like a lot of clothes from the 1950s and 40s because they are so feminine. I love making things for my daughter, my husband, and my friends. Compliments and purchases inspire me most.

4. What are your favorite color combinations?
I love blue and white, but I can also be found wearing a lot of brown and pink too. I like working with bright colors a lot, because they look great on my daughter.

5. What is your favorite item from your shop? 
I love my blue and white mother-daughter apron set. It has cute frilly pockets, pleats and crisp bias tape. What more could a woman want?

6. If you had to use three words to describe yourself, what would it be? 
Retro, modest, and multi-cultural.

7. What superpower would you most like to have? 
The ability to multi-task. I just don't think it's possible. I can only focus on one thing at a time.

8. What is the first thing you remember creating? 
I made earrings in fifth grade and tried to sell them. I think I sold one pair :).

9. If you could choose any era/decade to live in, when would that be? Why? 
I think I would fit in best in the 1940's. I would grow a victory garden, knit socks for soldiers, can all the surplus vegetables and fruits, make lots of pies and cakes, hang my clothes out on the line, all while raising several children in a small home. Come to think of that, that is my life (well, except for knitting socks for soldiers and we only have one child so far).

10. Where can we find you?

Friday, July 1, 2011

Featured Member: Ladykonnyaku

1. What is your shop name? Lady Konnyaku Clothing.

2. How did you first get started in your craft?
After graduating college, I was working this lame-o desk job for a huge Taiwanese corporation. At 24, I realized that working 8-5 was not my thing; I decided to become a clothing designer and work for myself instead. Sounds easy, right? The problem was, I didn't have a background in sewing, let alone the knowledge to operate a sewing machine... so I enrolled in a local fashion design school where I studied for 2 years. Those were difficult times, indeed, but now I can sew better than most people's grandmothers.

3. What inspires you?
The craziness found in Japanese street fashion. Mod clothing from the 1960s. Soul Train and Midnight Special. Kung-fu movies. Video games. The colors and textures found in vintage fabrics. Compliments and money deposited into my Paypal account (laughs).

4. What are your favorite color combinations?
I'm really into Navy blue and teal, red, white and blue, mustard and black... actually mustard and ANYTHING!

5. What is your favorite item from your shop?
Malta top--- I haven't seen anything else like it anywhere else and the colors and style are pleasing.

6. If you had to use three words to describe yourself, what would it be?
Humorous, interesting, restless.

7. What superpower would you most like to have?
I am a language nerd and speak English, Mandarin Chinese, and Spanish... but being fluent in the top three world languages is not enough! The best superpower I can think of is the ability to speak and understand every language in the world.

8. What is the first thing you remember creating?
When I was little I made a clay island called "Misland" (my + island), complete with canoe, palm tree, shack and fire pit.

9. If you could choose any era/decade to live in, when would that be? Why?
Meet me in the 1970s! Partying, polyester, and disco dancing all night... and sleeping all day.

10. Where can we find you? (website, blog, etc.)
Etsy Shop:

Featured Member: Libunnyfoofoo

1. What is your shop name? My name is libunnyfoofoo but my shop's name is Headstrong Headwear. I named it that because all my designs have very strong personalities, like me.

2. How did you first get started in your craft?
Over the last two years, my father had become very ill and I had become unemployed. We set up some yard sales and one of the things left over was a bag with old jewelry and beads. I wanted to make something beautiful and useful that I could wear, but I'm not really into jewelry. Then I came up with the headband idea. Soon I had 30 headbands, more than I could ever wear and I set up shop.

3. What inspires you?
The jewelry is the inspiration; I love all the old crazy designs. Back then everyone wore brooches and big clip earrings, so it's easy to get some wonderful pieces that just aren’t appreciated anymore. It's so much fun hunting around yard sales and thrift stores for things that I can use and inspire me. I love working with anything with sparkle and flair, silly and cute things too. I also love that I'm giving some really cool, old pieces new life and keep them out of the landfills. Almost all my supplies are used, given, recycled, old, broken or are in some way unwanted. I try to do my part and keep everything eco-friendly and upbeat.

4. What are your favorite color combinations?
I love doing my wedding headbands that have lots of ivory, gold and ecru but I also love contrasting strong colors with black and white.

5. What is your favorite item from your shop?
My favorite item in my shop is the one I haven't made yet

6. If you had to use three words to describe yourself, what would it be?
Intense, caring and funny

7. What superpower would you most like to have?
I would like to be able to grow taller when I need to so I could reach things on the high shelf at the supermarket.

8. What is the first thing you remember creating?
I have been creating things as long as I can remember. Some mediums I've worked in are: oil, watercolor, and acrylic painting, batiking, printing, drawing, pen and ink, color pencil, charcoal, architectural drawing and oil pastel, mixed media sculpture, and pottery. For crafts, I've tried: sewing, quilting, paper making, jewelry making, collage, cross stitching and mosaic. Basically anything I can get my hands on.

9. If you could choose any era/decade to live in, when would that be? Why?
I'd like to live in a small town in a time before plastic. Somewhere where I would know the butcher and the baker and candle stick maker and knoe where everything I owned came from.

10. Where can we find you? (website, blog, etc.)
Right now I'm just on etsy and I love it.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Featured Member: Anyasgreenbaby

1. What is your shop name? Anya's Green Baby

2. How did you first get started in your craft? I taught myself how to sew in high school because I hated the fashion choices of the day. My grandmother gave me a ton of her vintage circa 1950-60s dresses and skirts so I learned how to alter them for school dances or just looking pretty! That sewing habit evolved into embroidery when I wanted to add to my sweaters and that eventually lead to my baby clothing line and hankies.

3. What inspires you? I LOVE tattoos and retro tattoo art. Many of my designs are based on vintage tattoos. I am also inspired by an organic and eco-friendly lifestyle, I try to live as close to nature as possible.

4. What are your favorite color combinations? I love the combination of orange, aqua, green and brown. Those are the colors repeated through my house and many of my designs.

5. What is your favorite item from your shop? I love my retro owl design so my favorite item is my retro owl hankie.

6. If you had to use three words to describe yourself, what would it be? Over-achiever, teacher, and hippie (but in a good way!)

7. What superpower would you most like to have? The power to divide myself at will into several different me's so I could have one cleaning my house, one teaching my classes, one sewing, one cooking and one sleeping! 

8. What is the first thing you remember creating? I took apart a dress and repurposed it for a winter formal my freshmen year of high school. It turned out beautiful and everyone could not believe it had been an ugly dress before!

9. If you could choose any era/decade to live in, when would that be? Why? I love the fashion and era of the 1930s but I would never want to live through two World Wars so I would pick the 1960s so I could see the Civil Rights Movement, go be a hippie somewhere and my color choices would be totally hip!

10. Where can we find you? (website, blog, etc.) My Etsy store is My blog is 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Featured Member: designedbyDiana

1. What is your shop name?
My shop name is designedbyDiana

2. How did you first get started in your craft?
Well I’ve been crafting forever it seems like. But I really got into sewing a few years back when my parents got me a sewing machine for my birthday. I was never really taught to sew (my grandmother is a seamstress, so I say that sewing is in my genes), but I just picked it up and started making things. I made a purse and took it to work and sold it that same day. That’s when designed by Diana really began.

3. What inspires you?
So many things: bright fun fabrics, great mod looking patterns, the 50s and 60s aesthetic, mid-century mod, the show Mad Men, old school pinup girls

4. What are your favorite color combinations?
I love teal and red. And I’m really loving grey and yellow together too.

5. What is your favorite item from your shop?
My favorite items are the Retro D Aprons. They are the hardest item in my shop to make, but are so cute. I love that they look like a dress when you wear them.

6. If you had to use three words to describe yourself, what would it be?
Creative, friendly and fun

7. What superpower would you most like to have?
The ability to stop or slow down time. That way I would have more time to make stuff for my shop!

8. What is the first thing you remember creating?
The first thing I remember making was a blanket with gonzo on it for my little brother before he was born. I painted it with some old school paint tubes. I must have been about 5 or 6.

9. If you could choose any era/decade to live in, when would that be? Why?
I would love to live in the early 60s. The fashion, the hair, the style, the british invasion… so cool!

10. Where can we find you? (website, blog, etc.)
You can find me at my website:
On my blog:
On facebook:
And twitter:!/designedbyD
And of course Etsy!:

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Featured Member: HappyHeartbreaker

1. What is your shop name?
My shop name is Happy Heartbreaker Boutique (it is technically a division of my main shop, Sweet-E Pie & Babycakes).

2. How did you first get started in your craft?
How did I get started in my craft? Hmmm, my mom tells me that I've been making stuff out of anything I could find ever since I was a little kid. As far as sewing goes, I've been sewing acessories such as purses and baby gifts/clothing for a while, but this is my first real foray into sewing adult clothing.

3. What inspires you?
EVERYTHING inspires me! Stores I go to, songs I hear on the radio, even something as random as what I've read in a book! I'm constantly looking for inspiration in the little things - you never know what might hit you in the most random of situations.

4. What are your favorite color combinations?
Color combinations depend on what I'm making, to be honest. I like the look of white, green, and brown. I tend to use that combination a lot in my children's items.

5. What is your favorite item from your shop?  
My favorite item from my shop actually still exists only in my imagination! It is a really cute fitted 1950s style dress - you'll have to stay tuned to see it! (My whole line is still technically stuck in my brain, except for a few accessories. I hope to have it out by the end of April.)

6. If you had to use three words to describe yourself, what would it be?  
Silly, Creative, and Hard-working :D

7. What superpower would you most like to have? 
Oh my goodness, I SO wish I could fly! That would be the absolute COOLEST thing EVER! Even if I am afraid of heights :P

8. What is the first thing you remember creating?
The first thing I remember "creating" was a fort out of a cardboard box with a bookrest so I could sit in there and read without my arms getting tired. I was quite the little nerd...

9. If you could choose any era/decade to live in, when would that be? Why?  
I enjoy many different eras of history, like the Victorian or Napoleonic eras. But if I absolutely HAD to choose, I would pick my grandmother's generation. She was born in 1912 - saw the Roaring 20s, the Great Depression, the 40s War Era, Big Band/Swing Music, the 50s and 60s - such an amazing time in history, full of culture and personality.

10. Where can we find you? (website, blog, etc.) 

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Featured Member: UmbrellaAve

1. What is your shop name?
Umbrella Ave. 

2. How did you first get started in your craft?
When I was young and still played with dolls, I would bug my mom to sew clothes for them. But I had 3 younger sisters and my mom was spread pretty thin trying to keep up with the large wardrobe that we wanted. So one day I decided to sew something myself, my mom helped me out a bit and I just took off from there. Pretty soon I was sewing for my Himstedt doll and selling clothing to collectors through ebay. My mom and I eventually started our own website where we sold our handmade doll clothes. But I'm a restless crafter and have to continually change up my routine and focus if I want to enjoy what I'm doing. My friend Sasha, from the Gildedbee, introduced me to Etsy about the same time that I decided to make things for people rather than dolls, and the rest is history.

3. What inspires you?
Books and magazines, vintage and retro fashions, unique fabric and trims, flea markets and antique stores, as well as store displays, good graphic design work and other people's art. I like to see what the artists on Etsy are up to and use that as a platform for my own imagination to take off from. I also frequent online clothing stores such as Anthropologie and Modcloth to get ideas. Many times I'll see something there that I like, and will incorporate part of the design or idea into jewelry or accessories that give the same feel when worn.

4. What are your favorite color combinations?
I love golden yellow paired with red. Also pink + brown and grey with almost anything. Greenish blues are another favorite to work with. 

5. What is your favorite item from your shop? 
Currently? Clownie the Elephant! I love tiny things, elephants and circus themes........something that's very evident from looking at him. :)

6. If you had to use three words to describe yourself, what would it be? 
Imaginative, eccentric, creative

7. What superpower would you most like to have?
I think it would be fun to be invisible or have the ability to fly.

8. What is the first thing you remember creating?
I remember creating things for my dolls when I was little.....blankets, miniature dolls, walkie-talkies from clay, and anything else that I wanted but didn't have the money for. The first thing I remember getting paid for, was an ugly little purse made from horrible, striped, stretch knit with a piece of rickrack for a strap. I sold it to my little sister..........poor thing. ;-)

9. If you could choose any era/decade to live in, when would that be? Why? 
I think the 50's would be fun. I love the clothing and decor from that time period. But if given the choice, I would stay where I am.....I couldn't do without modern conveniences!

10. Where can we find you? (website, blog, etc.) 
I have a website in the works, and when it's finished you can find me here:

For now I'm here:

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Featured Member: Evelynpelati

1. What is your shop name?
My shop is Evelyn Pelati Jewelry. Previously my business was called La Bella Luna Jewelry, but last year I decided to rename it.

2. How did you first get started in your craft?
A friend encouraged me to join her in taking a class in metal clay with Lis-el Crowley, a well-known metal clay instructor. I had never heard of or touched metal clay before that. I was "bitten" right away–and have been working with it ever since.

3. What inspires you?
I've always been so drawn to the era of the early 20th century, especially Art Deco. I'm what you'd call an "old soul"–I just seem to gravitate old vintage, retro and antique things. But then I love to mix it up with the contemporary.

4. What are your favorite color combinations?
My favorite color of all is green, and my favorite green is that apple/peridot shade of green. For a combination, I'd have to say I love black paired with just about anything–but black with rich, vibrant shades is really the best.

5. What is your favorite item from your shop? 
Right at the moment I'm very proud of my Art Deco Circular Design Black Onyx pendant. It has a unique hinged bail that I engineered and I like how it looks.

6. If you had to use three words to describe yourself, what would it be? 
That's hard! I'll say designer, earnest, busy.

7. What superpower would you most like to have?
To stretch time!

8. What is the first thing you remember creating?
As a toddler I used to "draw" with crayons on the pages of my mother's books. For years later whenever you'd pick up one of her books you'd randomly come across some of my "art".

9. If you could choose any era/decade to live in, when would that be? Why? 
The 1920's. It seems like it would have been an interesting time–the roaring twenties.

10. Where can we find you? (website, blog, etc.)
If you are from Connecticut or thereabouts–I'll be selling my work at the Sugarloaf Crafts Festival in Hartford on March 25-27.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Featured Member: Littlegreenthings

1. What is your shop name?

2. How did you first get started in your craft?
My crafts really took shape when I bought a large stack of 1940's Family Circle magazines at a yard sale a few years ago. Those old ads just screamed "make me into something fun". Decoupage glue + old light switch plate + vintage magazine pic= great response. The ideas snowballed from there.

3. What inspires you?
I am consistently inspired by unabashed laughter and joy, old couples in love, wide and boundless landscapes, others' words that bring order to my thoughts, honesty, truth, being genuinely understood, friendly strangers, unconditional love, unexpected surprises, courageous hearts, whimsy and play, spontaneous fun and positive minds. Every day, though, brings new inspirational surprises.

4. What are your favorite color combinations?
My color combo of choice is most definitely real-deal red with anything. Red and turquoise, awesome. Red and chocolate brown, beautiful. Red and yellow, exciting. Red is just so feisty and energetic and stimulating.

5. What is your favorite item from your shop? 
I love my 1970 yearbook light switch plates. Their kitschy oddball nature captures my humor and style perfectly.

6. If you had to use three words to describe yourself, what would it be? 
Contemplative, playful, hopeful.

7. What superpower would you most like to have?
I have always dreamed of having a magic wand that could turn negative into positive, hate into love.

8. What is the first thing you remember creating?
My second grade teacher was all about creative writing. My first memorable story was unencumbered fantasy made from unicorns, princesses and mermaids.

9. If you could choose any era/decade to live in, when would that be? Why? 
The present is where I'd like to be. Right now is beautiful and refreshing.

10. Where can we find you? (website, blog, etc.) 

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Featured Member: GeminiMoonMosaics

1. What is your shop name?
Gemini Moon Mosaics

2. How did you first get started in your craft?

My first mosaic was made from paper. For a Communications Design class we had to design and then make a mock up of a sign for a fictitious store named “Mudworks”. I wanted my sign to be a mosaic. My mock up was made from hundreds of colored paint swatches (thank you Home Depot) cut into tiny squares and glued down on foam core board. We had to research and write about the actual process of creating the sign. I spent hours reading about mosaics and thinking I could do this! And eventually I gave it a try and loved it.

3. What inspires you?

Many of my designs are inspired by the patterns on the vintage plates I use. Most of the time I design my mirrors around a particular plate focal, piece of jewelry or even a color scheme I find on vintage fabric or wallpaper. A trip to the thrift store or a flea market is inspiration in itself. I am also very inspired by music. There is never a moment when I am in the studio that there isn't music on. 

4. What are your favorite color combinations?

It is a tie between orange, green, yellow & red, and aqua, blue & green. 

5. What is your favorite item from your shop?

I really love this one:

6. What superpower would you most like to have?

Super strength would come in handy so I could nip plates with no problems.

7. What is the first thing you remember creating?

What stands out most to me is not a drawing or craft project, but setting up my Fisher Price people and animals for a “family portrait”. They were in perfect height order and composition in front of their farm and I also added scenery I built out of these really cool blocks we had. My sister still teases me about it and jokes that even then at 5 years old, I was obsessive compulsive and arranging things in a Martha Stewart like fashion. 

8. If you could choose any era/decade to live in, when would that be? Why?

I am drawn to so many things from the 60’s. The music, fashion, home décor. I also think it would have been amazing to be part of a culture that began to stand up and question what was going on. Although there was so much turmoil, there was a generation with a voice that paved the way for change and progression. 

9. Where can we find you? (website, blog, etc.)

I have a website and a blog You can also check out my fan page on Facebook, where I offer fan only specials and giveaways too. 

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Featured Member: Vurm

1. What is your shop name?
My shop is called vurm, vurm is a Swedish word for obsession, just how I feel for creating.

2. How did you first get started in your craft?
Texil studied in high school many years ago. A few years ago I went to a course in wool felting and discovered that I really wanted to start sewing again. Then I also started blog about sewing and got a lot of encouragement!

3. What inspires you?
I am usually inspired by the fabrics, I buy lots of fabrics in vintage stores and new mostly Japanese. The fabrics, is the biggest source of inspiration.

4. What are your favorite color combinations?
I love all bright colors, and has no favorite combination, but the other day, I combined red/white dots and yellow it was a delight to the eye :)

5. What is your favorite item from your shop?
My favorite..just been sold from my Swedish homepage, so I have deleted it from Etsy, my favorite at the shop right now is a bag sewn of recycled fabrics.

6. If you had to use three words to describe yourself, what would it be?  I am spontaneous, happy and full of ideas.

7. What superpower would you most like to have?
Super Power .. if it can be called super power I would choose not to sleep, I want to have more awake hours of the day.

8. What is the first thing you remember creating?
I remember inherit a couple of large leather pants that I cut apart and sewed a leather jacket of when I was 13? That was probably the first thing I sewed on my own.  But I have always creating, when I was a child I love to paint.

9. If you could choose any era/decade to live in, when would that be? Why?  If I could go back in time it would be 60's, would be very inspiring.

10. Where can we find you? (website, blog, etc.)
You can find me here on Etsy and on my Swedish blog
and my Swedish homepage my blog and my homepage has the translate-tool from google so you can read it in any language.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Featured Member: DCartesianos

Yellow mod drees OOAK

1. What is your shop name?

2. How did you first get started in your craft?  There has been always a sewing machine in my house, my mom and grandma made me my clothes, and my dolls' clothes... and by the age of 12, I started feeling envious of them, got a yard of fabric, and tried to do what they, with so much fluency, did.

3. What inspires you?  Everything, a film, a flower, a forgotten piece of fabric in the drawer, something I've seen on TV or in a magazine...

4. What are your favorite color combinations?  My favourite colour combination is turquoise and ruby red, it's shocking and reminds me of the "Wizard of Oz", but I also love emerald green with silver grey (that combination is much more for special events).

5. What is your favorite item from your shop?  My headbands, I do love each of them, I make them one by one, choosing carefully the patterns, buttons, and bows, just for a perfect combination. I have lots of them for me, because I think they improve any outfit.

6. If you had to use three words to describe yourself, what would it be?  Crafty, active and creative.

7. What superpower would you most like to have?
To control time, stop it, rewind it....

8. What is the first thing you remember creating? 
The first thing was this skirt
I made it when I was 14 years old, and I remember I put the fabric on me and made two pleats on the front, and two pleats on the back, to adjust it. Some ribbon, a zipper, and DONE!

Blue and brown cassette HEADBAND
9. If you could choose any era/decade to live in, when would that be? Why?  The 60's in the US, (in Spain, the 60's came in mid 70's), because I love the clothes, the music, the spirit, rock n' roll way of living, the furniture and architecture... almost everything.

10. Where can we find you? (website, blog, etc.)
This is my website
my blog (sorry, in Spanish):
and my personal flickr:

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