
As the song from Gilmore Girls says “So welcome to my little corner of the world”. It’s all about me and my crafting – focusing around my love for stitching and sewing along with anything else that catches my eye. So welcome, grab a coffee and happy reading.

Showing posts with label 2017 goals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2017 goals. Show all posts

Sunday, 29 January 2017

WIPocaylpse - January check in

Morning friends,

That's always a dangerous thing to say when it's fast heading to midday and you have a tendency to take ages to write a blog post.

WIPocalypse Button

Right last Sunday of the month means WIPocalypse hosted my Measi so here are my offerings this month.

I have two finishes to share - you will have already seen these so just to tick them off the WIP list we have...

Finished birth sampler, you can read more about it here.

I also finished the little tree decoration in my last post.

Right on to new stuff and this is the biggie...Progress on The twelve days of Christmas. The design is by Paulette Stewart at Plum Street Samplers and was released as the Christmas 2015 SAL I didn't get quite as far as I had planned but considering I was here at my last check in with this project.

and now I'm here - it's not bad progress. I love the wreath around the Goose's neck

I also brought 2 frames for completed stitches in my box of shame...progress! I just need to do something with them now.

I have a present to make this week and then I shall be back stitching this for Theme-Tas-Stitch in February along with that pesky biscornu. 

 Oops I forgot the WIPocalypse question: What SALs are you taking part in this year?

I’m taking part in 3 SAL’s this year and hosting one of my own.
Gifted Gorgeousness is hosted by Jo and we post on the 15th of each month about our stitching that is for gifts or made up of items gifted to us (thread, chart, fabric etc).
Smalls SAL hosted by Heather –posting on the last Friday of each month we finish something small each month of our choice.
Wipocalypse  hosted my Measi – posting on the last Sunday of the month about the WIP’s we’ve worked on.


 Theme-tas-stitch is a SAL I am hosting each month where we use pieces in our stash to stitch around themes set. Many of you will remember Theme-a-licious - well basically I contacted Heather and asked if I could re-launch it - she said yes so here we are. More details can be found on the tab at the top of my page.

Have a great stitchy week friends

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

WIPocalypse 2017

Hey Folks,

So a few days late, but here is my introduction post for WIPocalypse 2017 hosted by Measi. Most of you will be familiar with how it works but basically it's an easy going SAL where we choose our own projects that are Works-In-Progress  and post about our progress on the last Sunday of the month. There is usually a question too about us and our stitching. this month it's just introductions...

Here are my 7 WIP's going in to 2017...

Sunday, 8 January 2017

2017 plans


Thank you for that lovely welcome back...

I don't intend to set many goals this year as I'm rather over ambitious and just end up getting a little bit stressed out. So for 2017 here are my goals. I'm going to attempt 17 stitching projects in 2017. I have listed 16 as I'm sure something else will catch my eye during the year. The WIP's must be completed and the new starts - started!! I've put my quilt down and the 3 crochet projects I have on the go too down but they don't count in the 17. Despite me saying I'm not setting goals - that's more than last year and also includes several 4 WIP's from last year too. My theory is that I will complete the 7 WIP's and then have 3 to go into 2018 with along with a handful of small finishes too. I'm hoping this will help me stash bust too as only the humbug and ES need to be kitted up.