Showing posts with label My Family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Family. Show all posts

Thursday, 21 December 2017

Some December Musings

So thankful that the snow has cleared. Going to be dull and damp through Christmas but at least travelling will not be a problem like it is when it is snowing.
Some people wonder why everything comes to a standstill when it snows in this country - we don't have it often enough (well here in the South anyhow) for it to be viable to have lots of snow ploughs and equipment. 

I was surprised to find that I had peeled a twin banana last week
very unusual

I thought I was all ready to serve dinner to friends recently

when I realised the chicken breasts where still in the fridge!
I usually prepare them just before cooking but this time prepared them earlier and put them in the fridge
I hate to keep guests waiting but that's how it turned out! 

Such different December sunsets on two consecutive evenings. 

Had to share this! My daughter walked 62 plus miles over 2 days this Autumn along one of England's 
Ridgeways. A Ridgeway being an ancient trackway described as one of Britain's oldest roads. The term originated in Anglo-Saxon times 410 to 1066 and they run along high ridges of hills.
It was well organised. The group stayed and ate together in a hotel the night before and camped over the middle night.
Seen here with our grand children Oliver and Rebekah at the finish.
Well done Jane  

A few Saturday's ago my neighbour held a charity cake sale.
All of these cakes were made by her Sister-in-law and they were delicious.
Yes I bought enough to freeze as well as eat that weekend!
Well I am sure I have gone on long enough so I'll take this opportunity to wish everyone a Very Happy Christmas and a Blessed year to come. 

Sunday, 10 December 2017

Almost 50 Years since I got to See or Talk to my Brother

What fun this was - an hour talking to my youngest brother (he is 13 years younger than me) Stephen in Melbourne, Australia. 
It was strange as hard to recognise even a brother after almost 50 years.
Emotional too, as when Stephen was 11 years old we brought him down to London, from Liverpool (my childhood city) for a while because our Mother was recovering from surgery, our Father had memory loss and was found wandering in Manchester quite some miles away and our Grandmother had broken her leg.
We were living among a Jewish community in North West London in a bed sitting room at the time and our Jewish friends were so kind to us. They took Stephen into their Jewish school and were very generous towards him.
I was the Akela of their Cub Pack at the time.

Stephen photographed by my nephew as we connect on
 Face time. Apparently it was 45degrees there.

Stephen here as an 8 year old at my wedding, along with my 2 other younger brothers. Kenneth on the left also went to live in Australia and I did not see him either and he died 28 years ago.
I'm in touch with 1 of his sons through Facebook.
Kenneth on the left and Geoffrey on the right (who lives in this country) both developed Muscular Dystrophy.
The connection with Stephen a couple of weeks ago was arranged by my nephew, his eldest son, who I have recently connected  with through Facebook. 
My found that my brother Stephen had 3 sons and a daughter so that is 3 nephews and a niece for me.
From that family alone I have 5 great nieces and 6 great nephews. 
(To the right of the photo is our Mother)
I certainly have a much larger family in Australia than over here!  

Thursday, 18 May 2017

On The Home Front and More

It's almost 2 years ago now (Can't be but it is!) since we totally renewed our main bathroom and made the bathroom and separate loo into one. 
I decided to hang some of my watercolours on the new wall where once was a door.
Thought I'd make a post of it before going on holiday tomorrow.

While doing it we took the opportunity to re-decorate the landing, stairs and hall and buy a new mirror. The old one was an antique but I no longer liked it.

Mirror reflections

I thought you would like this.
 Grandson Oliver at his house playing Ludo with the kittens

and then on the garden front
the pigeons make a real mess on garden furniture

The roses are beginning to come into bloom in mid-May

We have had the driest winter in over 100 years here in the South East
and then the rains came in earnest and have not ceased yet just as the roses were coming into bloom

Should have lots of photos when we come back.

Sunday, 7 May 2017

The Garden is Coming to Life Again and my Son's Garden

Brilliant. Alan has finished moving and relaying the garden path stones. We have had the driest winter since early last century and the clay ground is rock hard. He had to use a hammer and chisel to lift turf. The spacing is aligned to a comfortable stretch for me. Thank you Alan.  

Not much colour in the garden yet, but it is coming to life again.
I am still getting used to having a much downsized garden but I do like it. I like the space after all these years of pruning and cutting back etc.

As a complete contrast I'll show you my son's garden in the Spring.
He likes to let it grow wild and do it's own thing!

Believe it or not, this is the pathway back to the house.
He has at least since these pictures cut the grass!

I remember about 16 years ago helping him to plan his garden.
He is single and travels a lot and is happy with this wildness.
Don't tell the neighbours but he even feeds the foxes!

Monday, 1 May 2017

Bits and Pieces on May Day

I have fond memories of May day when I was a child and how different life was.
I remember one particular year when I was about 8. There was a May procession for the children in the road and I was chosen to be the May Queen leading the procession.
Previous to the day the children sat outside our house selling things we had made and anything that we could get our hands on that was no longer wanted. In other words a 1940's garage sale for the kids.
We then used this money for a little party in the street.
How I wish there were photos but there was no such luxury during the war. 

Back to modern days and a wedding card that I made for a friend's daughter last week.

My new i-pad Pro purchased on Saturday. It has taken some time but I now have all 80 plus apps from my old one installed and running.
Alan will have my old one and as he has never had one before there will be new learning curves for him.

I was just thinking how quickly time flies when coming across this picture when going through my computer albums.
Having a quick lunch in Marks and Spencer last December with our friends Don & Joyce from Louisiana. I first met Joyce as a fellow blogger and this was their third visit.

Lastly but not least Oliver and Rebekah having made it to the centre of the Hampton Court Maze last week.
Rebekah now 8 and Oliver 11 in July.

Friday, 30 December 2016

Christmas 2016

Lights, Reflections and Cards
Better late than never! I wasn't going to post on Christmas as there is nothing new from previous years except that I have scaled down a little, but then, why not?

Christmas Day our son Peter spent the day with us as usual
After lunch it was the Queens's speech followed by the film Frozen which I enjoyed, never having seen it, while Alan spent about a quarter of it asleep on the sofa! Usually Peter and I play Scrabble on Christmas Day but it was tea time before we knew and it never happened.

and then on Boxing Day daughter Jane, son-in-law Chris and Rebekah and Oliver joined us. I did not have to cook this second Christmas lunch as Jane offered to do it. I was able to be with the Grandchildren.

As usual a visit to the local park was next on the agenda where Oliver managed to join a football game in the ball park, Chris was able to try out his new toy - a drone, while I watched while Rebekah spent her time on the swings, roundabouts and outdoor gym. Alan and Jane decided to stay home and relax.

I love lights, reflections and cards at any time of year but especially at Christmas!

So it's all over for another year - apart from eating up the Christmas cake, mince pies, biscuits etc.

So, wishing all who visit here a very peaceful and blessed New Year.