Showing posts with label Garden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Garden. Show all posts

Friday, 4 January 2013

Getting older and Green Day..

My oh my
oh my,
 two blog posts in one week
I must be going bonkers!
It usually takes me all my time to write one, let alone two!

Out and about...
Well I wish I could tell you that since my last post
I have been eating healthily and walking those roads
but alas...
I did go for a walk, a little one
but it had to be cut short because the ground was so squealchy and wet
and I was practically up to my waist in muck and dirt...

but everywhere did look green and beautiful.

oh and I did  buy a pair of running shoes in Reebok which took my eye
they were great value and are so comfy
I hope they won't be another decoration for the wardrobe!

At home...
My visitors have finally gone and while it was lovely having them
it is just so nice to have the house back to ourselves
I always find that when I have visitors I don't have time to blink!

I met my neighbour the other day and she asked me if I was all right and told me that I looked very tired
I don't know about you but I hate when people say that because what they are really saying
is that you look  awful
so even though I was feeling fine that day
after meeting her I felt old and worn out!!!

The one thing I don't like about getting older is that I need my specs all the time for reading and writing.
It's a nuisance.
I put them on, take them off and then they are lost (sometimes forever)
I would need 10 pairs as I can never remember where I left them.

I  had a shower yesterday, hopped out, dried and put on my extremely luxurious body lotion
 given to me by a friend,
it was thick and gorgeous
but very very thick and very very gloopy
popped on the specs only to discover I had applied bath soak
had to have another shower to get rid of the gunk
oh dearie dearie me...

I must be slowing down too because this knitting is still on the needles,
one of these days I will finish it and by the time I do it will probably be next Christmas!

but on the postive side my kitchen windowsill is looking prettier day by day

Well it's Friday and so it's Green Day

The usual rules apply...
Thank you to all who participate I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do
Raindrops and Daisies

Friday, 23 November 2012

Bedroom Actvities & other stories...

 I'm tired and it's all due to sleeping with Mr. Raindrops

He is a snorer,
a  bad snorer
this week he has a cold which makes him even worse

He's driving me crazy
I have tried everything
the snoring continues...

I bought earplugs this week
but  I'm afraid that if I wear them
I won't hear the alarm clock in the mornings...

People must think we have a fabulous time in  our bedroom
the walls shake
the lights flicker
the windows  tremble
the floor moves
but the truth is
Fiona is awake and exhausted
he sleeps like a baby....

Weather wise it's been a bit of a disaster here,
rain, gales and a lack of  sunlight
I managed a couple of walks in between the showers
and it was lovely coming back,  having cups of tea, and enjoying HOME

Remember this

well now it's this.....
and after all my worrying it looks fine
my daughter even borrowed it the other evening as she was cold
so it can't be too awful!

I am embarrassed to tell you this
I am so bad at knitting that
I had to google how to change the yarn when the ball ran out..
oh dizzy ditzy dopey me...
anyway it's done and I enjoyed doing it
and might even do some more!


I still have one hydrangea plant in the back garden
still flowering, still lovely
it must be in a sheltered spot that misses the frost
because the ones in the front garden look like this!!!
I brought some into the kitchen to dry
 and they are looking pretty nestled beside my onion jar.
My Nana bought me the jar years ago
it was the last present she ever bought me as a couple of weeks later she died
so even though it is cracked and chipped. old and worn (a bit like myself)
I treasure it.
the roses are almost gone but I do have one or two around and about...
Well as the weather is wet and miserable even the poor horses are wearing extra layers!
I spotted this handsome fellow in the back field all tucked up for the day ahead!

On the bookshelf...
while it is horrible outside I am staying warm, snuggling up and reading
In pre-war Prague, the dreams of two young lovers are shattered when they are separated by the Nazi invasion. Then, decades later, thousands of miles away in New York, there's an inescapable glance of recognition between two strangers. Providence is giving Lenka and Josef one more chance. From the glamorous ease of life in Prague before the Occupation, to the horrors of Nazi Europe

Two lovely blogging friends,
Bonnie from Living Life and Lynne from Irish Garden House recommended this book recently
Both Bonnie and Lynne have great blogs
and are definitely worth a visit
thanks for the recommendation Bonnie & Lynne,
 it really  is a good read...


 Going to put the names in a hat and get Teenager Raindrops to pick a winner
Thanks for all the entries.
I will announce the winner on Sunday
and post the prize early next week.

Well it's Friday and so it's Green Day

The usual rules apply...
Thank you to all who participate I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do
Raindrops and Daisies

Friday, 19 October 2012

Autumn life...

 has been busy, a lot hApPy and a little sad...

I walked, I read, I gardened, I drank, I shopped. I laughed, 
I  said goodbye to an old fRieNd...
On the road where I live is this little house
and even though I always admire the thatched roof
I think it looks even prettier with the autumn leaves behind it.
and in the autumn of her life was our lovely Mittens who  lived with us for 17 years.
She fell asleep on Tuesday
I am sure she is now chasing mice and birds in pussycat heaven.
we are sad that she has gone but happy that she was part of our family for so long.
the summer garden is losing some of it's beauty...
but some things are lasting well...
the owl and the pussycat
and so looking ahead...
I treated myself to a new cookbook (another one to adorn the shelves of the kitchen)
but it does look pretty...

There are some great recipes in there and so I might try out a few or I might not...
watch this space...
lovely heartbruised daughter who was sad
is enjoying single life and smiling again...
Isn't it funny that when your children are happy you are happy too!!
I bought some new boots to keep me warm as the days get cooler
€18 - sure you couldn't leave them behind, could you?
and I can turn the cuffs down if I want a snuggly fleecy cosy look...
 I planted some bulbs in my pots so that when Spring arrives I will have some loveies in pots.

and just to remind you that it is 66 days until Christmas!
 Yippee love Christmas, how about you? 
Do you enjoy that special time of year?

*** finally a tip for you all that I read in a magazine ...
 when choosing a new lipstick
it should be as close as possible in colour
to your gums
the lady on the Estee Lauder counter
wasn't too impressed with me when I started pulling
 at my cheeks and gums pushing lipsticks inside them
trying to compare
needless to say I still haven't found the perfect shade!

Friday has arrived
and that means Green Day 18

The usual rules apply...
Thank you to all who participate I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do
Raindrops and Daisies


Friday, 12 October 2012

all kinds of everything...

Good morning friends,
it's Friday and so welcome to another Green Day

It is so long since I blogged that I really don't know what to say 
or where to start....

 My Mum is a lot better now and thank you all for all of your good wishes,
she is on the mend and happy and smiling again which is great!

The farmers have finished their harvest and so the animals have 
returned to the fields. 
This beauty and his friends are in the field at the back of our house.  
It is lovely to see them run up and down
Isn't he a handsome fellow?
The weather here has been a mixture of sunshine and showers 
along with some early morning frosts.
but wow we have had some wonderful autumn sunshine too!
 I went shopping the other day and bought a lovely black and white dress in Penneys 
it will certainly suit the cooler weather.

I can put a black or white top underneath,
 wear it on it's own or with a fine knit polo when it really gets cold.

It looks great with black tights and heels or  with my black boots.
 I was delighted to find that it only cost €25 so happy days!

 My patio is still looking pretty, 
 I have planted up a few new pots and so hopefully will have colour throughout autumn/winter

On a very wet day I heard a loud crash, hmmm....
I wonder who broke my terracotta pot when racing by.....

 I made a cake the other day and was hoping to post the recipe and some photos,
 but by the time I got to taking the pics
 most of the cake had been demolished by 
the 3 hungry men of the house, 
these are the only pics I got!!!

Next time I make it I will try and be quicker with the camera 
and hopefully get to share the lovely recipe!

While I was driving home from work the other day I stopped to take this photo.

 I don't think anyone saw me (I hope not)
 as they would think I was bonkers stopping the car to take a photo of a sheep
but you know that I do believe a lot of us bloggers are  bit bonkers 
as most of us will seize any opportunity 
to take a photo...

so what do you think
 are we all a bit mad???
ps the red on his back is the local farmer's marking
so as to distinguish him from other flocks in the area.

have a lovely happy week full of
 sunshine, smiles and lovely things 


Green Day

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